Detective POV

Ochako had called me about 12:35 and it's been a few hours. I saw her enter the police station and my office. She walked in "Hi Tsukauchi!" She exclaimed. This is ironically one of my suspects, Her family had been murdered yet she didn't react very much. When she saw her younger sister get ripped in half she simply walked up to the villain yet he froze and has refused to talk about it since. Her Auburn eyes were clouded with anger yet she kept a smile.  She was missing while her classmates where fighting stain and bunny. She was around in the USJ while bunny was attacking Yui though.

I told her about bunny since I was looking at her case and she asked me who bunny was, Which is normal Bunny hasn't hit the media to much. Yet bunny attacked her childhood friend and left a message. So I told her she may want to sit down for this. "The bunny is a villain suspected for 2 murders. First she killed Yua Yashiro leaving the number 1 next to it, Then she Pushed Yui's hand into the wall and wrote 2 by her body then she killed Tensei Iida Dismembered him and shaped the letter 3 with his body parts. She saved Tenya Iida, and told him about her goals at least we think she did... She then revealed that she killed his older brother. She also trained under the hero killer stain. So we are going to try our best to capture this villain." I explained "How did Iida survive her attack? Why did she spare him?" Ochako asked tears forming in her eyes.

"I don't know.." I replied She tried to break the ice. "Do you think she's giving us a body count?! Or like showing us how strong she is?" She asked "Maybe but it seems all to complex..." I said her eyes shining at that. "Any more Ideas?" I asked "Maybe she is warning the heroes something like : You're end is soon!!!" She exclaimed chuckling after I smiled at her. She was so happy, There's no way she could ever be the bunny. "Heh I really hope not!" I chuckled   We drank some tea and talked about cases for a little.  "What do you think her quirk is?" She asked breaking the Ice, "I haven't given that to much thought." I admitted, "I'll look into her more." Ochako replied "Well do you know anything else?" I asked using my quirk just in case "No I don't she's a really trick case." That was a lie  She had looked down "I just need to get better at detective work I guess!" We both chuckled at that "Well you'll get better over time." I replied "Well I'm going to get going now!" She exclaimed "Where are you going?" I asked using my quirk again "To a friends house!" She lied again "Bye!" I said as she skipped away.

She might actually be the bunny, Or she knows more than she's letting on. I really would like to think she isn't the bunny but there is a chance. I don't know much about her background other than the fact her family died and she is staying with the Midoriya's now. It's quite a hard case to solve.

Back to Ochako's Pov

I skipped away as fast as I could. I felt as if I had messed up somehow, I need to get better at acting. I go to the leagues. "I know you weren't expecting me! But here I am!" I said happily Shiggy looked at me "Good I need you to help recruit some people." He said knowing I had adopted stains fighting techniques. First he gave me My new support weapons They were grapples, I had been training for them. Then went somewhere in the woods thanks to Kuro. There was a big lipped human murdering somebody. I walked up to them and grabbed their shoulder. "Can I finish them off?" I asked wearing my outfit. "Hey are you with the league." "Yeah I am, Shiggy is over there." I said pointing behind me He ran towards boss. I pulled a knife out and stabbed them multiple times. Before I ran back to Shiggy.

I reached my hand out towards the buff big lipped woman for a handshake. "Hello, I am the bunny." I said, The buff big lipped woman looked at me confused. "Am I supposed to know you?" "I trained under stain." Then the admiration came back to her face She stuck her hand out, "I'm magne!" She said happily. "Aww Big sis Magne! Would you like to come with us to get the others?" I asked Magne smiled "Not like a I have a choice!" I laughed at this "You're right you don't." Shiggy said "Wow Shiggy way to ruin the mood!" I said chuckling "Let's go big sis!"

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