Chapter Twenty-Three: Don't Get Shot

Start from the beginning

Matteo and I shot the five guards standing outside so Gianna could get to the lock system, hacking it and letting us in.

Once the door opened it was quiet, too quiet.

"Fuck get to cover now!" Luca yelled in the ear piece.

I knew better than to argue. We barely moved and gunshots started going off all around the building.

"For fucks sake!" Gianna yelled, as she shot back, managing to knock out 10 men.
"How many are there?" Matteo asked, shooting in every direction.
"Probably like 75!" Gianna yelled back.

"Okay Gianna, you have to get upstairs to find the map so we can get the fuck out of here! Matteo and I will clear a path for you, it shouldn't be hard to take out 50 men!" I yelled over the gunshots as Gianna made way for the stairs.

She better not get fucking shot.

Matteo and I managed to kill every single of the men but not before hearing one of them call for backup. We needed to get out of here and now.

"GIANNA!" I yelled, needing her to hurry up.
"COMING! I got it!" She yelled, as ran towards the exit.

Matteo finished setting up the explosives and it gave us a total of 60 seconds to get out of there or we'd be dead.

"GO, Go, GO!" Luca said, into the ear piece.

We just managed to get out of range as the building blew up into pieces, throwing us all forward.

"Come on, we got to go." Luca said, as we managed to get into the vehicle.

"Fucking Marcello." Gianna snapped.
"What's the problem?" I asked.
"This was a setup, he apparently only has one base and that would be the main base. What a waste of time." She said, clearly exhausted.

"It's fine we'll go there tonight and blow it up and leave this whole problem behind us." I reassured her.
"I hope you're right."


"Are we almost there yet?" Matteo whined in the back.
"Would you shut up? We are literally like 20 minutes away from the main base." Luca snapped back.
"Fine then."

"Gianna, are you up for this?" I asked, as my brothers continued to argue in the back.
"I don't have a choice. Either Marcello dies or everyone I love dies, I can't take that risk of losing everyone."
"I get that, but I mean you are just about to kill your father."
"He's no true father." She snapped as she glared ahead.

After that there was just silence between the two of us. She was clearly lost in her own thoughts. I don't know how since Matteo and Luca would shut their fucking mouths.

"It's funny though, I've been thinking about what I want to say to him when I see him again. But yet I have nothing to say. Like sure, I could remind him what a terrible person he is, but it's not like my opinion means anything to him. Honestly I wish we could just kill him without ever having to step foot in the base." She said, as she finally let out a breath she seemed to be holding.

"I have an idea." Luca piped up.
"Ok?" I asked.
"What if we put explosives outside the building and then we just blow it up and don't have to risk getting hurt."

"That's actually kind of brilliant, Luca." Gianna said.
"Ok, well then that's the plan I guess." I said as we parked far enough away from the base so no one could spot us.



"You idiot's better not get fucking shot or I'll kill you myself, got it."
"Gianna, would you chill Nicholas and I have done this lots so it will be fine." Matteo said as he and Nick got out of the car.
"Fine, be quick."

I watched them run into the woods towards the building. I thought killing a mafia boss was going to be more stressful than this. This seems easy. But, I'm not about to start complaining about something being too easy.

If we can kill Marcello without risking getting hurt, I'll take it. I'm not about to put the lives of those I care about in danger. But that doesn't mean I'm not freaking out.

"Gianna, just breathe, they are going to be just fine." Luca said, trying to reassure me.
"I know. It's just that I care about both of their asses too much to see them get hurt. We can only hurt each other, no one else is allowed too." I groaned, my heart still beating out of my chest.

"It's ready to go." Matteo said out of breath when he climbed in.
"Where's Nick?" I asked in a panic.
"He should be right behind me." Matteo said, growing more worried.

"I'm going out to look for him." I said as I grabbed a gun.
"Nick would kill me if I let you do that. So sit your ass down Gianna." Matteo commanded.
"Fuck you." I spat back.

"Both of you shut up already." Nick groaned, climbing into the vehicle.
"Thank god you're okay. Luca drive." I said as I hugged him.
"Fuck." He groaned.

"Fuck, Nick, you've been shot." I almost yelled, examining his arm.
"Gia I'm fine. It was just a shot to the shoulder, the fucker is long dead by now." He said as a loud explosion went off behind us.
"You can't be doing this." I groaned.

It was a known fact I was already stressed the fuck out. And he wasn't helping.

"Love, look at me." He said, using his right hand to lift up my chin.
"I hate you." I said sarcastically.
"Liar." He said, leaning down to kiss me.

The second his lips met mine my worries disappeared and my mind was put to rest. Remind me to not let him do this when we're arguing or I'll never win.

"Eww, you lovebirds need to stop." Matteo fake gagged.
"Shut up. You love having me be a part of your family." I laughed.

I finally had just gotten rid of what was left of my old family. Marcello was dead. We could just be.

"I'm guessing you aren't too choked up about Marcello being dead then?" Nick asked.
"Nope. I'm just happy to be able to go back to Italy in the morning." I laughed.

I actually felt happier than I have in years. I found my family, my true family.

"Good thing we're here then." Luca laughed, as he parked the car outside of the hotel.
"You two can go inside, I have to help this little baby get cleaned up." I said climbing out with Nick.

"I'm not a little baby." He groaned once we got into the elevator.
"Mhm sure you aren't." I laughed giving him a kiss, but pulling away far too soon for his liking.
"Don't start being a fucking tease." He said.
"I thought I always was." I fired back.

"You were. But that was only because you weren't mine and now you are, so don't be a tease." He shot back.
"There is no fun in that." I laughed, as he sat on the bathroom counter to let me clean his wounds.

I pulled his shirt off to get a better look. From what I could tell there was no bullet in the wound, it looked like it had just grazed him.

"Jesus this is a lot of blood. Your best bet is to take a shower then I can sew this up." I said.
"Care to join me?" He asked, lust filling his eyes.
"Get in. I'll decide if I join or not." I laughed, pushing him into the shower and walking out.

I'll make him think he's showering alone and come in, in a few minutes. I have to drive him mad somehow.

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