Back to Ochako

I exited the Nurses office and went to see the results Bakugo got first todo got 2nd and Midoriya got 3rd. Yui got 5th place but I got worse than Yui did. I'm such a failure and I dislocated my shoulder in the process. Me and Izu started to leave the area hand in hand. "I did so bad Izu." I said looking over to him he started blushing "Well I broke my fingers! You didn't break anything!" I looked over to him "My shoulder is dislocated." "Still?!" "Yeah but It's fine! I'll relocate it later! I'm gonna go train!" I said as I ran off letting go of his hand, I need to train as much as possible!  "I'm going to be Interning with Gran Torino!" He called out "Ok!"

"Hi Kuro! Do you have any plans today?" I asked "We're attacking in Hosu with Nomu's be careful." He said Why are they attacking where stain is? Are they trying to kill us!? "Ok I'll be very careful!" I said walking into the portal while changing into my villain costume. I saw stain killing native "Hey stain could you relocate my shoulder for me?" I asked "Sure bunny." He replied relocating it "Thanks!" I said as he did so. It hurt a bunch but I wouldn't let him know that. I turned around and I saw the Nomu's going towards the city. "The league is attacking tonight be careful." I said and stain nodded. I watched as the disgusting creatures flew in the Indigo sky. It was almost peaceful if not for the fire and screaming.

I felt a presence behind me so I threw a knife and I heard a familiar scream. It was Iida I just stabbed his arm I turned around to look at him "Oh who are you?" I asked. "INGENIUM'S LITTLE BROTHER!" He screamed "Hey there's no reason to yell!" I retorted "You could've just introduced yourself!" I said back. "Tenya Iida right? Quirk jet: You've got jets in the back of your calves. Would you like some soda? It'll make this fight quick!" I told him "HOW DO YOU KNOW THAT?!" He asked while running at me "You're just like your brother." I commented.

Nobody's POV

"You're just like your brother" She commented making Iida's blood boil at the pink haired bunny. "You killed him didn't you?!" He yelled back at her then stain stabbed his shoulder no remorse on his face. "Leave my sidekick alone." He said using his quirk to paralyze Iida. Ochako sat by Iida's body "You know you could've saved Native instead of fight us, You could've been a real hero!" She told him his eyes widened "Think about what your brother would've wanted!" She said as she picked him up carrying him out of the allyway "Stain do whatever you want with native I'm putting him aside." She said "Fine bunny." He replied "Why are you saving me?" Iida asked her making her heart warm.

"Well you see you're to young for this, You have a career in front of you unlike me. I can't become a hero anymore it's to late." She replied "oh... well what are you motives?" Iida asked "I want to prove them wrong, My reveal will leave a mark on this world, I will rule them all! There won't be anybody who can disobey me, even in other states! I'm so sick and tired of being looked down on!" She replied and started to laugh "Why do you want to be a hero?" She asked "I want to be like my brother." He said "He was pretty cute." She replied "Before he died he was honorable! A true hero I should've let him live!" She replied Iida looked shocked.

"Y-you killed him?!" He asked "Oh sorry you didn't know? I thought they would've told you about the clues I've been leaving." He fought off of her "Please just leave me here." he asked her "Fine." She said while walking off.

Izuku had been looking for the hero killed since that's where Iida should be, Then she saw Iida and a pink haired girl. He watched Iida fight off of her and when she turned around he recognized her it was the villain bunny! She had been running around murdering people for about a month. She had 4 victims including Ingenium or so the police thought. Izuku went in for a punch but she grabbed his fist and threw him.

"What are you doin cutie?" She asked him making him blush, Bunny pulled out a knife and stabbed his arm repeatedly. Izuku couldn't get out of her grasp she was to strong. "Could you be any cuter?!" She asked as she stabbed him laughing. "Oh my precious Izuku!" She said before her punched her back. "You know I just saved your friend! You should thank me for sparing one of the Iida's!" She said as she grabbed his fist and flung him away. she started to run toward where stain was then she saw the flame heroes son. He used his quirk to bring ice towards her but she easily broke it "What is wrong with you kids?!" She yelled at them as she kept running She saw Shiggy on the water tower and ran towards him. She ran to the water tower and climbed up it. "Hi Shiggy!" she said

"WHAT THE FUCK OCH-BUNNY!" He yelled "YOU SCARED THE SHIT OUT OF ME!" He yelled she hugged him "Sorry shiggy!" She replied "Some UA kids tried to capture me!" She whined "I hate UA." He commented This was the first time the two had talked in about 10 days. She had missed talking to him. They watched in silence "It's beautiful! The fire against the indigo sky." Bunny spoke up "Hey Kuro can you teleport me near Midoriya's house?" She asked him "Sure miss." He said opening a portal she stepped through and landed down the street from there she used her quirk to change her outfit and stepped inside.

"Ms. Midoriya are you around?!" She yelled "I-I'm here." Inko said keep her kind green eyes on the TV "Izu is in Hosu isn't he?" Ochako asked Looking over at the obviously worried woman "I really hope he isn't." Inko replied panicking "He's a strong boy Miss Midoriya don't worry about him." Ochako said getting a hug from Inko "I just hope he's alright!" She cried Ochako got up well I'm going to bed this is all to stressful!" She said as she walked off "Don't worry about him he'll be fine!" She exclaimed as she entered Izuku's room.

She turned on her phone and saw stain captured. Tears welled up in her auburn eyes, Why does everybody have to leave me was her final thought as she drifted off to sleep. Izu was fine but she wasn't

Haha! 2,000 words in 2 hours! I'm such an evil person >:3 Anyway please share this story with others I would like more than 5 people to read it. This'll be fun to write and I can't wait to be done. 

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