12 ◕ An Information (🇬🇧 vers)

Start from the beginning


“These eyes, always look at me with love and admiration.  Of course I know," Chanyeol said with a big smile.  He rubbed Joohyuk's closed eyelids.

Joohyuk grabbed Chanyeol's hand and kissed his palm.  "Don't ever leave me, Chanyeol hyung"

"I...." Chanyeol knows he shouldn't make promise that he even can't fulfill. But, he nods his head.

"Promise you"



Tao gave Sehun a silent sign.  "Your dad just got to sleep.  He had stayed up late for three days.  So let's play with uncle"
"But, Hunnie miss?"
"You always see it, don't you?"
“But Hunnie hasn't heard papa's voice for three days.  Hunnie misses him" Sehun said in a low voice.
Tao looked at Kris who was sleeping on the sofa in his room.  He took a deep breath.  How can Kris Wu act as if he is alone in the house when there is little Sehun with him in that magnificent house.
Tao who felt pity now lifted Sehun in his arms and took him out of the house. "Xihun bored huh?"
"Yeah.. papa never came out.  And don't eat at all.  What happened to papa, uncle?"
"Your papa, is a coward"

Tao sat Sehun on the grass in the garden behind Kris' house.  Then he also sat beside Sehun.

"He wasn't like that when your grandfather was alive"
"He's like that because he already feels, he's gone, Hun.  The only thing that keeps him going is you, his son.”
Sehun looked at his uncle closely.  Tao yawned Sehun's head, "You're a smart kid.  It must be your mother's genes.  Because as you can see, your papa is stupid," Tao said.
“Was papa forced to go back to Guangzhou?  Papa told me that he studied in Seoul, where he met Chanyeol."
"Yes, that's right," said Tao.  "His father forced your papa to come home," he said.  “But back then, your papa always refused his father's request.  He never came back, for once," he said.
"But because of your grandfather's deteriorating condition, and your grandmother also forced your father, your father couldn't help but come back here and continue the Wu company here"
“And leave Chanyeol?”
"Actually, uncle doesn't really understand.  Because, Kris ge said he wouldn't come, because he couldn't.  But suddenly I got a call from him, and he said he was already at Guangzhou airport.”


Tao ran towards gate 16. His steps stopped looking at Kris who was standing with empty eyes staring at the planes that were lined up neatly outside.
"Oh hi Tao"
"Are you okay?"
"Well, I need a funeral now," he said, pulling up his large suitcase.  Tao followed him.
"Funeral?  For whom?"
"For me"
"Huh?  What are you doing?"
But Tao's last question became an empty question without an answer.  He followed Kris to the parked car then got in and drove Kris back to the Wu mansion.
During the trip, Kris did not speak.  He looked out the car window and occasionally seemed to massage his forehead.
Until he arrived at the mansion which was dominated by white.  Kris entered the big house.  He smiled slightly at his mother who greeted him with a warm smile.

"Welcome my son" She said then hugged Kris tightly.  Kris hugged his mother back.  His eyes looked at his father who was lying on the long sofa with an IV in his hand.
Kris approached his baba.  "Ba, Yifan is home" he said.  His father looked at Kris and then pointed to a piece of paper containing writing that he refused to read.
"Marry her"
Kris looked at a piece of paper photo of a beautiful girl, he looked at the photo then looked at his baba.  No expression.
“His parents helped me when my company went bankrupt.  Marry her, she's a good and mature girl."
Baba Wu looked at Kris in surprise.  So did his mother and cousin, Tao.  Because Kris always rejects the idea of ​​matchmaking.  Yet now he even agreed without saying anything?!
"You have to meet him tomorrow"
"Yes, ba"
Kris turned around, but his father grabbed the hem of his jacket.  Kris turned and looked at his father.
“Why did you suddenly agree?”
"This son of yours, has lost everything, Ba"
Kris smiled faintly.  "That's why I'm here.  I have nothing to hold on to.  I will obey all your orders, so relax and focus on your treatment, Ba”
Tao knows just by looking at him.  He saw Kris who lost color.  Kris whose eyes lost enthusiasm.  Kris who looks so weak and doesn't have the spirit to continue his life.  Kris who doesn't want to make any choices.



Tao looked at Sehun who was now handing him a square-shaped paper.  Someone's business card.
“Kim Joon Myeon?”
"Yes, he said he would help Hunnie to find Chanyeol"
Tao looked at Sehun then rubbed his head.  "Okay, let's try calling him, okay?"  he said as he took out his smartphone.
Call connected.  They waited long enough for Suho to receive the call.
"Hello appa?!  This is Sehun Wu!!”
"Oh?  Sehunnie?  What do you need?"
"Have you found Chanyeol yet?"

There was silence for a long time until Suho spoke, “Yes, appa found it.  He's a patient at Seoul Hospital."
Sehun's face changed, and so did Tao's.  “This is Tao speaking, I'm Sehun's uncle.  May I know what's wrong with Chanyeol?"
“He was in an accident, Tao-ssi”
Sehun and Tao looked at Kris and they even didn't know when he was there.  He looked at the two of them with a look of shock and concern.

"Last info I got, he's in a vegetative state, he's in a coma, Sehunnie"

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