Chapter 14

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Ivan and Stallion are waiting for Robbie in the car.

" What's wrong Stal? You seemed different since morning "says Ivan looking in the mirror

" I don't know but I have a gut feeling that something is wrong " says Stal resting his hands on his thigh and putting his head back on the car rest.

Right on cue he sees an incoming call from Adria and he immediately puts it on speaker.

"Stallion!! Come quickly it's Kate and Erica" says Adria in a cracked voiced and Stallion's blood runs cold.

Stallion sits numb thinking about all the things that could go wrong.

" Stal!! Move! " commands Ivan.
Ivan knows that Stal is completely numb and he is blank. Ivan knows he is incharge.

Ivan quickly messages Robie about the call and tells him that one of the men will be ready with another car. He quickly slips into the driver seat and drives off towards Kate's shop.

Ivan makes a call to Coalton.

" Coalton! Come to the stores now" barks Ivan and cuts the call.

Coalton had not gone to the stores neither had Ivan since Kate told that she would be back home in an hour.

Stallion sits there staring outside the car.

Coalton is at the office.

Coalton is confused but nevertheless drives to the stores.

Stallion almost rips off the car door and runs inside the stores with Ivan hot on his heels.

As soon as they get inside there is chaos everywhere. Literally everyone is everywhere.

They can see Christian, Mason, Jhonny, Mrs. Jones ,Kristen, Isabella, Esma, Javier, Ryder and Janet.

Stallion and Ivan are taken aback seeing all of them. Stallion's heart is racing a mile and he still hasn't seen either Kate or Erica and he thinks something very bad has happened to them.

Everyone has tears in their eyes but they aren't saying anything.

Coalton also rushes inside and sees everyone and sees the stunned Stallion.

" Someone tell us something we are dieing here" yells Coalton

Esma breaks into a big smile and runs towards Stallion and jumps into his arms.

" Congratulations Stallion!! You have a Prince and a Princess and a nephew Prince as well" screams Esma.

Stallion hugs Esma thigh and cries into her not able to hold his emotions. He places Esma slowly on the ground and kisses her head.

Stallion is immediately pulled by Coalton and both the brothers cry while holding each other. The scene in front of them is too emotional.

Ivan, Jhonny and Kristen is pulled into the hug.

Stallion and Jhonny are congrulated and patted on the back. Christian and Mason hug and kiss an emotional Stallion and Jhonny.

" Why are we in the stores insted of the hospital to see the kids" asks a confused Coalton.

" That's because the mothers and the kids are here since they were delivered here" says Mrs. Jones smiling

" WHAT?" shouts out Coalton. Who the fuck delivered them here? Why the hell didn't they take them to the hospital? yells Coalton

" There was no time for that" comes a serious voice of Dr. Hope Grey(Mother to the Grey twins. Character from Stuck to my Bosses)

She is carrying 2 newborns with her and right behind her is Adria carrying the other newborn.

" Meet your kids Stallion" says Hope and places the baby girl in his hand.

" Say hello to your Nephew Coalton" says Hope and places the baby boy

Adria gives Jhonny his son.

Stallion hasn't blinked his eyes. Tears are streaming down his. Ryder walks to him and squeezes his shoulder and encourages him to hold the kid closer to him.

" Take a deep breath Stallion. I know the feeling you will not break her" says Ryder.

Esma walks to Coalton and does the same. Coalton is the biggest mess;he is sniffing and crying and smiling and laughing he just turned a lunatic with so much happiness.

Hope walks upto Jhonny and helps him. Jhonny walks away in search of Erica.

Jhonny is happy seeing both Erica and Kate well. He walks to Erica and pulls her for a deep kiss and multiple kisses on her face and thanks her.

He then pulls Kate for a hug and kisses her head and thanks her as well.

By now everyone have walked up to the ladies. Stallion is smiling looking at Kate he has both the kids in his arms. He kisses Kate passionately and there are cat calls and whistle from everyone. Kate blushes a deep red.

Coalton hugs Erica and takes his Nephew and looks at him.

" He looks like Jhonny " says Coalton and earns a slap on his head from Erica.

" I have done all the hard work carrying him for 9 months and now your say he looks like Jhonny" yells Erica and everyone bursts out laughing.

Once all the commotions have settled down Coalton looks at Adria who is standing at the entrance of the room.
He has so many questions and he is kind off furious as well.

" Can someone tell us what happened from the beginning? Without leaving out anything "declares Coalton.

" Ok before that I did like to transfer Kate,  Erica and the kids to the hospital for the rest of the processes " says Hope.

Ryder, Esma and Christian help Kate and the kids while Jhonny, Javier and Mason help Erica and the kid.

" Before anyone says anything I would like to say that Kate or Erica would not have survived without the help of Adria" says Hope and walks away.

Stallion, Coalton and the rest of them are stunned by Hope's words.

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