Chapter Seven

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Disclaimer: I don't own anything but Harlow...

Chapter 7:

Walking inside Nick and Dalton made sure Harls and Carly were behind them, incase any crazy people jumped out at them. Looking around and not seeing anyone they let the girls go look around.

"Look guys theres guns!" Carly exclaimed pointing at the cabinet that held an assortments of guns.

"Its bolted down or some shit, look for a key there has to be one around here somewhere." Harls said after looking at what Carly had been pointing at.

"Look at these." Carly said going through one of the drawer that was filled with old news paper clippings.

"Siamese twins separated at birth."

"Freak accident causes mother/father to give up there little girl."

Looking through the pictures Harls found one with the twins and a little girl, but before she could get a good look at the little girl in the picture she heard the sound of a truck pulling up.

"Shit! Hes back." Harls said as she and Carly dropped the pictures they had been looking at back into the drawer and took off to find a place to hide.

Hiding under the pool table they looked around to see if they could find Nick and Dalton. Not seeing them Harls decided to worry about that later and to watch Bo.

After almost throwing up having just watched him pull the arrow out and all the blood spew out of the hole. She noticed him looking at something, following his eyes she could have hit herself. How the hell could they have forgot to close the fucking drawer. Watching him as he walked closer to her and Carly's' hiding spot, she grabbed Carly's arm and started to move out from under the pool table and towards the hallway.

Damn and was she glad she did that, no sooner had they hit the hallway was he looking at where they had just been.

As the girls walked silently through the hall, Harls pushed Carly behind her incase anything jumped out at them, and boy was she glad she did that right as the girls turned the corner Harls was grapped sending her elbow back into whoever the hell had grabbed her Harls tried not to make a sound incase Bo heard them. Getting free Harls turned around to punch the person who had grabbed her seeing that it was Nick with Dalton right beside him she decided to hold off on knocking him out, "Babe you have to stop fucking grabbing me!" Harls whisper yelled to Nick.

"Sorry baby, come on guys theres a way out over here." Nick said grabbing Harlow's hand and leading her to the trapdoor with Dalton and Carly following them

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