Chapter Five

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Disclaimer: i don't own house of wax.. but I do own the amazing Harlow ;p

Chapter 5:

"Nick! Harls! Help me!" All three turned around at the sound of Carly's screaming. Seeing Bo's fist come flying at her out of the corner of her eye Harls ducked, while pushing Nick a little to get him out of the firing range.

Moving faster than ever Harls was already running into the station without having fully straightened up. Stopping at the door she waited for Nick to get his ass inside before slamming and locking the door.

Both taking off in different directions, Nick making sure the creepier couldn't get in and Harls to go find Carly.

"Carly, where the fuck are you?" Harls yelled running into the hallway that led to stairs.

"Harls! I'm down here!"

Harls ran down the stairs skipping two at a time only stopping when she reached the door. Reaching out to turn the knob knowing it was locked already but hoping Bo was dumb enough to leave it unlocked. No such luck, and as hard as she through her body at it, it just wouldn't budge.

"Fuck! Nick! She's down here and I don't weigh enough to break the door!"

As Nick came running down the stairs Harls moved over so he could open the door.

"Carly!" Harls exclaimed running through the door to see her taped to the chair and blood all over.

"It's okay, we've got you." Nick said walking over with Harls to start in untaping her so she could get out of the chair.

"Watch my finger! Watch my finger!" Carly yelped wincing in pain.

"Fuck!" Harls yelled looking at her finger, noticing the tip had been cut off.

"Did he do this to you?" Nick asked gently grabbing her hand to wrap a piece of Harls shirt that she had just ripped off on it.

"Where is he?" When neither Nick nor Harls answered to busy looking around the room she asked again, "Where is he?!"

"I locked him out." Harls replied handing Nick a blade to cut Carly's legs free since he was closer.

"Where's Wade at?" Harls asked a question in return, having not seen him anywhere.

Looking at Harls, Carly shook her head, "I don't know. He went into the house. This place is a freak show." She said while getting out of the chair.

"Shit, we need to find Dalton and get out of here." Harls said trying not to panic while all the worst scenarios of what could be happening to Dalton were going through her head. She hoped he was ok.

The sound of a turning on made the three freeze. Waiting until they could only faintly hear the truck, they each let out a breath they didn't realize they had been holding.

"Okay, wait here." Harls and Carly stopped at the top of the stairs while Nick ran ahead. He ran over to the garage door looking left then right. Not seeing anything he went to walk back to his girl and his sister, he stopped however seeing all the tools. He grabbed one of the wrenches before continuing.

"Alright listen, the trucks by the road..."

Seeing Harls start to shake her head back and forth he stopped and raised his eyebrow.

"I'm not leaving him! And you two can't get in, he has the keys."

"Shit! Dalton." Nick said looking around trying to think of something.

"We got to call the cops." He ran over to the phone on the wall only to find it dead.

"Babe, where's your phone?" He asked Harls already patting her down to find it, finding it in her back pocket he saw there was no signal.

"Shit! Carly where's yours?" He asked looking over at his sister.

"I dropped it in the truck, it might still be there."

"What about Wade? He has him. What if he turns him to wax?!"

Harls who had been looking out the window with Nick shot her head to look at Carly, so did Nick.

"What the fuck do you mean wax?!" Harls asked, well more like yelled at Carly.

"You don't get it. There all wax everyone."

Seeing the disbelieving looks the two were sending her she suddenly remembered the women she had seen earlier while walking through town.

"No wait." Carly said while walking to the door looking around to make sure no one was there before walking out the door and down the street.

Harls grabbed Nicks hand and started following.

"There was a woman in here. She was alive, she pulled back the curtain."

Nick and Harls hopped over the fence walking over towards the window. Finding a brick to stand on they jumped up to look through the window, Harls could see the lights on but as far as she could see there was no one in there.

Nick and Harls weren't prepared for what happened next, as their faces were up to the glass the curtain pulled back to reveal an old women looking out the window.

Harls jumped and with a yelp started falling off the brick. She hadn't noticed that Nick had jumped off the brick until he caught her before her ass met the ground.

"Fuck, thank you."

"You okay?" Nick asked not letting go of her.

Harls nodded turning her head to look at Carly.

"The whole town is rigged." Carly said walking over to look inside the window herself.

"You're saying that's a real person underneath?" Harls asked.

"Yes, at the church they were all like that."

"Shit, okay come on." Nick said grabbing Harls hand before walking down the street.

After a few minutes Harls stopped walking, pulling on Nicks hand to stop him as well. Nick stopped walking and turned to look at her.

"What babe?"

"I've got to go get Dalton." Harls said looking at Nicks face.

"NO!" Both Nick and Carly yelled.

Not turning her face away from Nicks Harls spoke, "Yes, babe there turning people into wax sculptures and I can't let him become one."

"Okay, we'll go with you!" Nick said panicking at the thought of his girlfriend not being by his side with a psycho on the loose.

"No, you two need to go get Carly's phone."

"NO! We're going with you!" Nick said pleadingly.

"Babe, no I'll get him and we'll meet at the house."

"NO!" Seeing her face Nick knew no matter what he wouldn't win, "Why do you have to be so damn stubborn?!"

"I learned from the best baby."

"Fine, but you better come back!" Nick said looking close to tears.

"We will." Harls said going to give Carly a hug.

"Be careful!" Carly whispered to Harls while crying.

"I will."

Harls went to Nick hugging him while giving him a kiss, "I love you."

"I love you to, you better meet us at that house!" Nick replied kissing her before reluctantly letting her go.

Harls looked at them before turning and heading down the street. She was going to get her best friend and they were both going to make it.

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