Chapter Two

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Disclaimer: I don't own House of wax. I only own Harlow...

Chapter 2:

The next morning Harls woke to the panicked yelling of Blake. "Damn it! Hey, it's 2:30! Get up!"

Harls decided to try to ignore him and go back to sleep, but he just wouldn't shut up.

"Let's go, guys! Get up!"

Groaning Harlow rolled over realizing her going back to sleep wasn't going to happen.

"Wade, Dalton, let's go! We're going to miss the game."

Harls groaning put her pillow over her head hoping to block out his voice.

"Damn it Nick! Get up!"

Harls feeling her pillow being pulled off looked over to see Nick rubbing the sleep out of his eyes looking at her.

"Hmm good morning." Nick said.

Smiling at him she whispered. "I could do without the screaming but morning.

Laughing he watched her get up and grab a pair of white skinny jeans, a dark blue tank top, and one of his sweatshirts. Pulling off Nick's sweatpants she was just getting ready to step in her jeans when something hit the tent.

"Nick! Get the fuck up!" Blake yelled once again.

Finally putting on the jeans she turned to Nick, "Come on babe. If you don't get up now he's just going to keep yelling." Seeing him sit up, Harls left the tent while pulling her tank top down the rest of the way.

"Harls." She heard Wade say.

Turning around to face him she noticed he wasn't looking at her face, following his gaze she realized he was looking at her now covered sides.


"You have both their names tattooed on your sides?!" He asked looking at her like she was crazy.

Laughing Harls replied, "Yeah there my best friends. Even before me and Nick started going out he was my best friend. I like having their names on me, there always close then."

Feeling hands snake around her waist she turned to see Nick smiling at her, "And we that you think we're special enough to be there." He said while looking at Dalton who nodded he agreed. Smiling up at them Harls replied, "Love you guys!"

"We love you too!" They replied while Nick leaned down to peck her on the lips.

Harls, looking around noticed Paige and Carly walking towards the woods and decided to follow. Untangling herself from Nick, "I'll be back." She yelled already walking towards them.

"So, you and Wade talk some more?" Paige asked after everyone was situated.

"We're just in different places right now," Carly said looking from Paige to Harlow, "He hasn't given me a guilt trip for going, so I can't give him one for staying."

Before either girl could comment that horrible smell from the night before came back.

"Oh, my god, there's that smell again."

Harls looked over at Carly.

"I think it's coming from over there" Carly said turning around to follow where she thought the smell was coming from.

Looking at her like she was crazy Paige replied, "Yeah, let's just follow the smell."

"What?" Carly shrugged, "I wanna see what it is."

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