Chapter Six

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Disclaimer: I don't own anything but Harlow...

Chapter 6:

Harls paused for a minute trying to think of where Dalton would go first to look for Wade and Carly. Remembering back to the conversation that the five of them had in Wade's car, Harls took off at a dead run to the wax museum. Slowing down once she neared the front door, Harls creeped as quietly as she could into the house. There was no way in hell she was willing to risk Dalton's or her life. Making her way through the house Harls was sure to stick close to the walls and listen for any little noise that might lead to where Dalton was.

Hearing noise Harls started to follow it, coming to a stairway she could just make out what sounded like Dalton yelling at someone to wait. Running down the stairs as quickly and quetily as she could Harls saw a man with a mask standing over Dalton with two knives, this must of been bo's brother. Running over towards Dalton Harls pushed the man before he could raise the knives to hit Dalton.

"Move your ass, lets go!" Harls yelled at Dalton while grabbing Daltons arm and running them both back towards the stairs. If she had paused for just a second she would have noticed that the man didn't make a move towards them, he was to busy staring at her like he just saw a ghost.

As they made it to the front door Dalton couldn't help but start to cry a little. His life had just flashed before his eyes, he thought there was no hope that, he was really going to die. He should have known that while what Harls said before had been a joke, she still meant it. She had come to save his ass and he had never felt so blessed to have her as one of his best friends, that she would literally risk her life just to save his ass.

Running up the hill to where Bo had said his house was earlier Harls pulled Dalton to the side of a buiding and brought him into a huge hug.

"Fuck D, that was so close! Are you ok?!" Harls asked.

"Dude, I love you!" Dalton said while hugging her ten times harder then she was hugging him.

"Shit, ok come on we have to go meet Nick and Carly at the house." Harls said while trying to sneakily wipe tears off her face.

"I found Wade." Dalton said as they started making there way up the street.

"Let me guess, he was covered in wax when you found him huh?" Harls asked.

"How'd you know that?" Dalton replied.

"Carly said that everyone in this fucking town were wax except for the fucking freaks who are covering everyone with the wax." Harls said looking at Dalton.

Before Dalton could replie Harlow was grabbed from behind, instead of screaming like most people would in this sitiation Harls started elbowing the person holding her for all she was worth.

"BABE! Stop its me, its ok." Nick said turning her around.

Throwing her arms around his neck, Harls buried her face into his chest breathing into the comforting smell that was Nick.

"Dalton you ok?" Nick asked looking over at Dalton, not wanting to let go of Harls just yet.

"Yeah, our best friends the shit!" Dalton replied.

"Ok, lets go guys were almost there, and freak number two was chasing us earlier." Carly said getting out of the hug she was giving Dalton and going to give Harls a quick hug.

The four of them made there way to the house, seeing the truck Harls couldn't help but make a sarcastic comment, "Uhh nice parking job."

Chuckling a little at his girlfriends comment, Nick looked over at his sister, "Do you see your phone?"

"No, its not in here." Carly said.

"Shit!" Nick exclaimed, "Lets go check the house."

As they walked towards the house Carly pointed out the baseball bats, grabbing one they made there way inside.

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