Swiftly, I released him. He slumped on the floor like a wet log. I felt my peace again. Then I saw my driver stare at me in horror. With my palms, I flattened my suit and stole yet another glance at Emass.


We drove for ten minutes before I asked him to stop at a nearby gas station. Before he stepped out, my hands grabbed his shoulders and gained access to his terrified mind.

         "No one must hear or know about this! Do you understand?"
I watched his head nod in affirmation.

           By the time I got to church, the worship team was ministering in praise. Lots of people streamed into the overflow tents as the main sanctuary was already filled.

Emass was still shivering from what he saw but he knew he would never go against me.
I quietly stepped into my office to redress. My guilt weighed heavily on me.
Questions began to pop up in my head.

         "All those spiritual gifts I had, were they really from God and did God call me?" I conversed with no one in particular.

My mind went into an overdrive that kept me restless. My body rocked in the leather chair that cradled my six-foot-plus frame. A nagging fear of my falling from glory started radiating through my body.
Tears began to cascade my long depressed face. The magnitude of my sins stared back at me, flipping pages upon pages of transgressions.

     A knock on my door caused me to tether my emotions and plaster a smile on my face.
          "Come in," I said in my usual voice.

My assistant was at the door reminding me of the few minutes I had before the benediction.

Our church had adopted the Catholic church form of benediction to get our people in place spiritually before the real sermon. It was assigned to just be mine.
My eyes locked on the paperwork on my table, and I waved him off. I didn't want him to see me weeping. 

     By the grace of God, I had that gift of energizing the church. I hadn't lost that touch, for now at least. As soon as the people saw me, they were all screams and whistles. It took a while to calm them down.

         "Please be seated," I said calmly, my voice echoing through the surround amplified sound speakers in the church.

        "Shukura's vessels might be in the auditorium today," I muttered to myself, as my eyes took in the crowd of people waiting to be fed with God's word.

I carried myself gracefully glancing at the scripture that popped up on my tablet. Politely, I asked the church to stand and read with me.    

     "Mathew 13:7-8.
    7- "And some fell among thorns, and the thorns sprung up and choked them.
    8- "But the other fell into good ground, brought forth fruit, some a hundredfold, some sixtyfold, and some thirtyfold.
        "Please rise, let us declare......"
    I am of incorruptible seed, made in God's likeness.
    I carry the light of God, made for his glory.
    I bear fruitful fruits, I refuse to be contaminated.
    I spread beyond my region, I take territories
    My head, body, mind, and soul are one with Christ.
    I will not be hurt or cut short.
    I excel in all realms, in all things.
    All things work in my favor and in his grace I Succeed. Amen."

        After we were done with the benediction turned declaration, I invited Pastor King to give the word.
My huge upholstery chair sat across the pulpit, my wife's chair next to mine. But I chose to sit on a plastic chair close to my office.
A flash of something forced my head in the direction of my suspicion. "Aha! I knew it!"

UNWITTING VESSELS  (sequel To Vessels Unknown)Where stories live. Discover now