Kitty plays movie star planet <3

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Kitty: "Friends? Yeah! Fun? Uh-huh! FFFASHION?! MHM. AND.. FFFAAAMMEEE! *Weird cat noises*

MOVIE STAR PLANET?! OF COURSE I'LL DOWNLOAD IT FOR FREE! Oh wait I don't have to download it. Haha! You're not- You're not putting a virus in my computer idiot <3

BECOME RICH AND FAMOUS?! Is that- Make your own movie star?! Me? Little old me?! No!"
Kitty loosens his mic from the holder and plays with it, like a cat plays with toys on a string.
Kitty: "Ever since I- I- Ever since I started playing Movie Star Planet, I- s- I see things that aren't real."

Kitty goes to the rules.

'Parents.' Alright terms and conditions.. What does it say about ADULTS playing this? 'Movie Star Planet is not allowed the use of the site by adults. (Those over 18 years)' Hey guys! It's me Kitty from the Kitty Squad! I'm sssseventeen years old, and I just wanna play some Movie Star Planet! You wanna see my birth certificate? Even better, I have Famous Birthdays. 'Famous Birthdays'... Ignore that says 19 year olds right there! Hey guys it's me Kitty, I-I has 2 cool boyfriends, and I'm also seventeen. I don't have any boyfriends.. I have 2 exes, that are uh.. married to some other bitches, I-I-I attended those ceremonies and ruined it and now I'm hated!

FRIENDS FUN FASHION, FAAAMMMEEEE!! C'mon lemme in! They sent me into heaven because they knew I was 18, why won't it let me excess the website?! THEY FIGURED IT OUT!!"
Karma flies in.
Karma: "Hey guys this is what death looks like, you just shut your eyes and it's just like: 'Oh! There it is! I'm dead!"
Karma leaves right after.
Kitty: "What is this g- That guy just kissed the money? What did the money think about that? Did you ASK the money first? WHAT IS HE DOING?! WH- STOP!! YOU'RE CREEPING THE WOMEN OUT!

Alright I'm just gonna ignore that, I'm not gonna report the crime, I'm gonna play now. 'Start by selecting-' I am a cute boy." (Yes that's true. Ily Kitty <3 )

Kitty: "I'm 12 years old, I'm allowed to play!"

Kitty uses his girl voice: "I'm a girl actually-/j"
Kitty with his normal voice: "What is this? Is this my nose? Did they chop part of my arm off? What happened?"
His character points at her nose.

"Oh! It's my nose, okay! You c- They could've put like a face there to go with it, but it's like they make you guess. Are- are you looking at somebody's cut off limb? Like is that something you should say 'ew' to? Or- ajnekns- should I throw up? IT'S HARD TO TELL JUST BY THIS."

After creating his character.

Kitty: "If I ever have a toy version of me made, I want you guys to actually throw it against the ground, so I'll actually feel that pain. Um, 'Please enter a username or pick one from the list.' Um.. uh. 'YellowWater'? *wheeze* DO YOU MEAN PEE?? I'll be YellowWater30 and y'know what my password..."

After doing that <3

Kitty: "I know it says 'Do not share your password' but I have already broken the age limit of this, uh, game."
Kitty enters their birth year and date in the date and year.
Kitty: "Wait will it not lemme play if I pick this?"
It works anyway.

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