Aight Shut up!

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Vade: "Aight shut up!"
Angel: "You shut up."
Vade: "That's why yo shoes raggedy."
Angel: "That's why yo momma dead."
*vine boom*
Angel: "Dead as hell. What shoes she got on?"
*vine boom*
Angel: "What shoes she had on in her casket?"
Angel: "That's why your grandma ain't got no knees, she can't pray to baby Jesus, Bitch."
*Vade starts crying*
Angel: "How about that? She can't double Dutch."
Angel: "That's why yo baby got a glass eye. And when she cry you gotta clean it with windex bitch."
CJ: "Oh.. my god.. Thats too far.."
Angel: "I'll get out yo car! Fuck."

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