Angel's concert! ^^Ft. The Triple Fandom squad <3

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Angel: "Yo-"
Nova and Flower: "Happy Birthday to you!"
Angel: "Not now wait-"
Nova and Flower: "Happy Birthday to you!~"
Angel: "Guys wait-"
Nova and Flower: "Happy Birthday dear Angel-san!~"
Angel: "Okay thanks but guys-"
Nova and Flower: "Happy Birthday to-"
Angel sighs.
Angel: "Soo, I was waiting to tell you this on my birthday."
Flower: "Uh-huh?"
Angel: "And uh.. Flower! I got my own concert! ^w^ "
Flower: "HA! SuUuuUre!"
Angel: "No I'm serious!"
Flower: "You said you didn't want to be in a concert and now you just suddenly have your own? Yeah right."
Angel: "I never said I didn't want to..?"
Nova: "Why don't you believe them Flower?"
Flower: "It's (almost) April fools' day. (It's February the 21st btw)They're OBVIOUSLY lying. (⇀‸↼‶) "
Angel: "Look Flower."
Angel holds up a flier for the concert.
Flower: "No way. This is fake!"
Angel: "No it's not. It's literally not."
Flower: "Prove it."
Angel: "Ggrks." (Google)
Flower looks it up on Ggrks.
Flower: "WH- HUH?!"
Nova: "Woah! Cool!"
Flower: "Why are we JUST learning about this?!"
Angel: "I'm surprised you didn't know already, actually."
Flower: "Well I-"
Angel: "Oh! Wait! I'll be right back! Stay right here.."

Angel leaves the scene.

Almost 10 minutes later...

Nova: "Angel~ You're taking forever!"
Angel from a far: "I'm coming!"
Angel then walks in the room, with their cafe uniform for the concert.
Angel: "Whadya think?"
Flower: "That looks a lot like my Magical Mayhem 2017 outfit."
Angel: "What? No it doesn't!"
Nova: "You're just jealous, Flower!"
Flower: "WH-?! NO I'M NOT."
Kitty: "I swear to god. If y'all start fighting, I. will. SNAP. I'm watching AmorAltra(?!) with Bob for god's sake!"
Bob from a far: "Please, don't yell!"
Flower inhales, then exhales.
Angel: "Oh no-"
Nova takes a step back.


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