Crushed by Butter Yoongi

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"Where am I?" the BTS hater said and they noticed that the ground was soft but not too soft."I'M SO TIRED..."a booming voice said.The hater also noticed that the ground began to shake and it's getting closer and closer.Soon a very large shadow looming over the hater.Stood the very tall giant and the worst thing is that the giant was their victim."Yoongi..."they whispered.Yoongi turned around and all the hater csn see is his cute booty that's slowly coming down.The hater just realized that they was on the gigantic chair.The hater were too scared to run away and all they can do is apologize to Yoongi and wishing become an army in their next life."Wahhhhh I'm so sorry cat king or god,I promise I will love you and the other members forever!!!"they said and hoping they could became an army in their next life...


And they got sat by the Min Yoongi.

Meanwhile,the tired Yoongi felt something crushed under his butt.Even though Yoongi want to sat down but he's curious what he sat on so he walked to Hoseok."Hoseok,can you look at my butt? I think I sat on something..."he said quietly and Hoseok laughed."Hehe that seems so funny but okay."he said and looked at Yoongi hyung's butt.The hope was shook when he saw a tiny hunan being crushed by him."You sat on a human."he said in a shaky voice."I'm so sorry for them but I think they might be the hater so let's ignore them."Yoongi said and went back to the chair to rest."Okay?"Hoseok said and continue to do something silly in the hot remix shooting.

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