Start from the beginning

"See what I mean?"

"So, Kashyyyk?" Theleema typed the coordinates into the nav computer.
"It's not as if we have much of a choice," Syrran said.

"Yes." Elynn was excited to see a new planet and lend a hand to a resistance group.

They adjourned, and Syrran met with Elynn in her cabin to review the information she obtained from the Imperial internal terminal. Elynn read the holoscreen projected by her advance agent interface:

"Imperial Military Department of Advanced Weapons Research. From: Special Weapons Group. To: Naval Intelligence Agency. Subject: Project Celestial Power. Reference to: Missing Zeta-class cargo shuttle. Action: Open Investigation. Callsign: Starlight-977. Cargo: kyber crystals. Point of departure: Jedha City, Jedha. Destination: Classified. Status: Overdue.

"There are the TK numbers of the crew and then it says,

"Starlight-977 failed to arrive at destination. It is believed to have been attacked by pirates en route. Last recorded communication was near the Tatooine system. The situation of the shipment had been nominal up to this point. Investigation requested."

"That's it?" Syrran said.

"It's all I found." Elynn looked at her datapad.

"And you know the shipments are going to Geonosis."

"That's what the information I stole for your Master said. Maybe he's looking for the scientists; the crystal experts."

"Too bad you can't remember his name."

"Sorry. I steal information; I don't commit it to memory." Elynn was disappointed at herself.

"A sustainable energy project under the Special Weapons Group that requires massive amounts of kyber crystals is deeply disconcerting."

"Do you think they're building weapons?"

"What else? Imagine a fleet of Star Destroyers armed with cannons powerful enough to lay an entire planet to waste. What would have taken thousands of ships could be achieved by a hundred—or less—if they can find a way to harness kyber crystals to generate that much energy."

Elynn found the thought frightening. "No rebellion could survive that."

"I think that's what Quinlan is trying to find out. That's why it's important we find him."

Elynn punched a few keys on her datapad to project a star map from her headgear. "That's Geonosis... and that's Tatooine right next to it."

"And that's the Old Corellian Run." Syrran pointed at a hyperspace route that split from the original route, all the way to Tatooine. "The planet is run by the Hutts. The have their slimy hands on everything that happens in and around the system—especially if it's illegal—or at the very least they know about it."

"Is that where we're going?"

Syrran studied the aforementioned planets for a moment. "Eventually." He preferred to keep things optimistic in front of Elynn.

Elynn turned off the hologram. "Can I ask you a question?"

"Of course."

"At the Bendu door in the Mortis Chamber, I experienced both the dark side and the light side of the Force. I chose the light in the end... but my crystals—the sensation of using the dark side... it was... liberating—" Shame tainted her voice.

"It is. Surrendering to the dark side frees you from self-control. You indulge in your passion... that's not necessarily bad."

His words surprised her. "How can you say that? The Jedi Order—"

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