"Sir I can assure you my son has nothing to hide," another familiar voice came in.


God could this get any better.

"Ok ladies... time to move in. Jade Scythe remain where you are in case Jordan tried to make a run for it."

"Copy," each of my sisters and I said at the same time.

"And ladies..." I said standing up and hiding behind the desk. "Matteo is mine."

There was a series of chuckles as I settled down and waited patiently for Jordan who was going to come down here one way or another. The sound of gunshots and loud bangs sounded from outside and I sat back, whistling a low tune.

This was boring.

I thought I'd get in on the action.

Like the universe was listening, the door to the shed banged open and thundering footsteps came down the stairs. I peeped over and thought it was honestly too good to be true.

Jordan, Matteo and me in the same room.


There was also someone there with them. A guard... one I'd seen before. One I knew well. My blood run cold as he turned and I finally recognized him.

Oh my God.

My mind worked in gears and finally, everything settled into place.

I clicked my gun and stood up, wasting no time to shoot the guard in the head before any of the three men reacted.

We were locked down here, just me and them. I was the only one with a gun and as the two frightened hazel eyes connected with my darker brown ones, I couldn't help but let calm wash over me. I wasn't angry, quite the opposite actually. I was dangerously calm and by the tilt of my head, the two idiots knew it too.

"Hello boys," I said and smiled wildly, my gun pointed at the two. "How the tables turn right? If I remember well, Jordan, you've had a gun to my head on many occasions and Matteo well... Vittore send his greetings."

Jordan stepped forward, not affected at all and I could hear banging, my sisters trying to get in. I looked at the man who made my life hell and yet still, I smiled.

I mean, who wouldn't.

"You think you can kill us? Please... you wouldn't be able to pull that trigger to save your life," Jordan taunted and I pursed my lips.

"You sure about that?" I asked and he scoffed, a smug look on his face.

"I am your creator, somewhere deep down, you have feelings for me don't you. The man who made you what you are, the man who gave you power."

"You didn't give me power Jordan. You didn't give any of us power. You destroyed us. And you Matteo... where do I even start? Abusing your wife and child..." I tsked slowly, adjusting my stance. "It really is not looking good for you my man."

"I knew he'd spare you," the man in question sneered. "He's weak, always has been, always will be-"

"You don't talk about him like that," I quickly cut Matteo off.

"Oh," he said surprised as he started laughing. "You love him don't you. Oh how I wish I could say I didn't see this coming but you're the same as his mother. Thank God the bitch is dead. The Raven Don really knew what he was talking about when he asked us to take her out."

"You killed Faye?" I asked, my voice low and dark as I begun to shake. Rage unlike anything I'd ever felt bloomed from the centre of my chest. It wasn't this boiling hot anger everyone talks of, no, it was ice cold.

"Are you... are you about to cry?" Jordan asked with a snarl. "Weakling. Fucking weakling since day one."

Yes I was about to cry. I was so angry, my tears just dropped from my face like a faucet. Screw waiting for my sisters to get here.

I aimed my gun down and shot Jordan's knee, a loud pained shout tumbling from his lips as he dropped to the ground and Matteo stood still.

I pointed my gun at him next and sweat broke out on his brow.

"You hide behind a gun and think you're strong?" the older man scoffed. "Put that little toy down and fight me with honour. Fists and all. Prove to me-"

Another shot rung through the air as Matteo dropped, holding his stomach. My sisters used that moment to burst into the room and work on tying up Jordan. I went over to Matteo and squatted by his head.

His brows were creased in pain as blood started running down his lips.

"I have nothing to prove to you," I said softly to his face as he closed his eyes and chocked on some blood, spitting it out as a tear run down his cheek.

"Oh please man. I just shot you in the stomach," I said with a roll of my eyes, getting to my feet. "It doesn't hurt that bad. I'm sure you've whipped Vittore now that would be something to cry about wouldn't it. Speaking of whipping... God this is going to be fun."

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