Chapter 0: I'm in a Manga!

Start from the beginning



Homework submitted!


I sighed in relief after the most painful, stressful, and anxiety-filling moment in my life. A homework to pass at 11:58pm. Jeeeeeesus... What would have happened if I submitted it past its deadline?

Waiting for two minutes, the homework tab where my current essay is located disappeared, proving that this homework, if not submitted during that time, means that they don't give chances at all.

"Phew... My teacher is as strict as usual... Anyways, I guess it's time to head back to gaming? Well... But first, lemme grab some drinks in the fridge," I said as I opened my darkroom where its only light emits from my computer and my RGB lights coming out from my setup.

Tip-toeing through the kitchen lies some dishes unwashed on the sink, a drenched rice cooker consisting of burnt rice stuck underneath it, ready to be scraped off by morning.

As I approach the fridge, A sticky note is stuck in front of me, showing all the grocery lists I need to buy tomorrow. Opening the refrigerator, I grabbed a bottle of soda and headed back to my darkroom.

Entering my room, I closed the door and opened my cold soda, emitting a loud FIZZ. When I released all the built-up carbonate, I gulped a few volumes of it and headed back to my desk.

Walking back to my computer desk, I tripped on one of my computer wires on the floor, losing my balance as I tried my best to keep myself from falling. I tried to run forward to stabilize my center of gravity, and because of my carelessness, I couldn't even see the other hazards I left in my unkempt room, where I had scattered my floor with clothes, action figures that I forgot to clean up. Stepping on one of my favorite figurines, it snapped its arm off and, at the same time, gave me a sharp pain in my heel.

"AAAAGHHH!" I grieved in pain as if the feeling I felt was as if I stepped on a lego.

I grabbed my foot like a cat that stepped on nails from one of those old twentieth-century cartoons and skipped with my other foot while keeping myself balanced but ended up falling on my bed. However, as I fell on my bed, I hit my head on one of the sharp edges, knocking me out instantly.


In a strange yet, familiar street, a heavenly vignette covers the sides of the view while a silhouette of a high school girl in a Japanese-styled school uniform approaches.

"Senpai... There's something I have to tell you... I- it's really important..." A silhouette of an anonymous girl asks in a nervous tone.

"W-what is it?" The voice of a teenage, Japanese boy asked.

"Uhm... it's that, we've been together for a while..."

"Uhh... Y-yes, what are you trying to say?" The nervous teenager asked.

"I- I... Li-"


An excruciatingly loud beeping sound is heard beside my ear. That same annoying ringing tone I've been hearing every day before school. I try to leave it alone for a while, hoping that whatever dream I have will continue while my mind is fresh. I don't want to forget a dream that I've been anticipating.


Closing my eyes and focusing on falling asleep, I tried to keep myself away from the sound, but the sound got annoying and louder over time.


"Fine...! I'm up! Jeez," I picked up my phone and snoozed my alarm. Looking at the time, it's still too early. Why did I even bother placing my alarms like this? I put them in ten-minute intervals each as if I wanted to repeatedly annoy myself waking up to it.

I Woke up as a Mob in a High School Setting with a Harem ProtagonistWhere stories live. Discover now