Chapter 22

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But unknown to them someone watch their feeding moment and the man was lakhan. Who was sent by the sarpanch to spy on them. Today's this news should reach to him on time. He thought now he will make a decision to what to do next


4 months later

"Ladies and gentlemen here I present you the award for the best cinematographer of the year and the nominees are ... "

With that the nominees name had been showed on the big screen above the stage. Many known personalities were nominated for the same category. When all the names has been showed that's when the famous actor Chris Evans came on the stage to announce the winner. He opened the envelope and a smile came on his face.

"Ladies and gentlemen, I am very pleased to announce this award because it goes to one of my favorite Cinematographer and my dear friend who is none other then Arnav Singh Raizada please give a big round of applause."

And all the head turned around to see the man of honour. When the name announced Arnav stood up on his place and Chris Evans waved his hand smiling at him he too did the same and then started to walk towards the stage with a bright smile. When he reached there and forward his hands to take the award Chris Evans hides it behind and asked him to hug him first which he did brightly. Then after that when he again tried to take the award he again hides it and told him to give the speech. The audience were laughing their lungs out on their playfulness. Arnav came to Mike and with smile he started his speech.

"This is due on me Chris wait and watch what I will do to you. Well Many people would not knowing but Chris and I were in same schools and he was my senior back then he is still but sometimes you can't tell who is the younger amongst us."

Saying this he saw towards Chris who was giving embarrassed smile lowering his eyes and then he too saw towards him warning him to not to disclose more. Arnav turned towards audience again

"Well let's move on our story I will disclose latter on. Thank you to all the people who were the helping hands in during the whole shoot for the movie evengers the civil life. The staffs, the production house, actors although you all were giving us hard time to shoot mainly you Evan to show your teeth right now I only knows how I was taking retakes again and again because you couldn't stop laughing. This award means a lot and I hope in future again I will show to all of you some more interesting skills of mine thanks you my mother too who was been my constant support through out the journey of life it wasn't be possible without your support."

When he was done a loud clapping sound echoes on show and when he left the Mike to go to his seat. He was not even taken the stairs that's when he heard his name again by none other than Evan

"Well stop right there... You can't go like this"

Arnav was confused now what he is up to. He shouted from his place now what. But because he didn't had the Mike nobody listened to it

"Please provide him a Mike he doesn't has amplifier in his voice. "

On this joke again everybody started to laugh arnav too gave embarrassed smile and in the mean time one staff member came to him with Mike .

"Now what" He asked

"Arnav we all know how private is your life. But my dear friend I am not an outsider. And some of us know that you went to India alone for some kind of project which is yet to release thats why I am not leaking it here but you didn't came alone from there. "

There was pin drop silence amongst all and then after seconds and interesting smile came to all of their faces to know what is that thing he came up with. People who didn't know were the most curious one.

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