Chapter 17

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He couldn't able to complete his words. He don't want her to let her know what he feels for in anger it should be special. He saw her confusing eyes which was seeking for answer. Soon he will give answer to that soon. The words he wants to say should wait for sometimes more. And the day he will say those words that day would be very special for him.. not him for them.


It was night everybody has done their dinner which was cooked mostly by khushi and Arnav was all gh time helping her not only that all the boys too gave them helping hands. Katherine don't know anything and also she was very image conscious that's why she didn't do anything but yeah was just watching Arnav and giving him stupid smile. Khushi has seen all this. She was overwhelmed by them and she many times tried to stop them from helping her. For today she didn't made any Indian food because of course they don't know and if she will tell them then too they won't be able to cook the best. And she didn't wakt that their first Indian food taste get spoilt. She was tike to time getting irritated seeing Katherine trying to get close with Arnav. And Arnav he too isn't behind doing full flirt with her which boiled khushi's blood. She was trying hard not to get affected. And now here they are all the boys were sitting outside the open terrace cum balcony and Katherine was relaxing in a room as she was very tired. Khushi was too downstairs in a room doing sketching. They all very just going down the memory lane soon Michael Brayan and Adam left to sleep because of jet lagged. But Rachel didn't leave. He wanted to talk to Arnav about something so when all left he found a perfect opportunity.

"So what's going on with Miss Khushi and you Arnav"

He asked. Arnav sighed he knew his friend will caught him red handed when he asked him to come here suddenly. And that's why he thought not to hide anything from him so he replied laying down in chair watching the stars.

"It's complicated"

Rachel understood there is something he is hiding. May be he loves khushi but there is something which is stopping nit him but her because he has seen the hesitation whenever Arnav tried to be closed to her, she shied down, will blush too but next second will shrugged that thought.

"What's that if may I ask" he asked again to him.

Arnav sigh again and took a long breath standing he kept his both the hands in pockets and walking forward to the terrace from where all city can be seen he told him

"She is a widow"

And Rachel stood up in shock. He was not in position to understand anything.

"How... I mean.. when... shit man it is hard to digest. " He was confused very confused. Arnav turned towards him with a sad smile. And said..

"Shocking right. The same was mine casee when I came to know I too gave the same reaction to her."

There was pin drop silence in the Atmosphere only the cook breeze sound could be heard. Rachel felt bad for his friend. More than that he felt bad for khushi. He went near him and kept his one hand kn his shoulder for giving some support.

"But how arnav she is very small in teenage may be. Then how in this small age she is a widow and don't tell me this is the reason you are not approaching her directly come on man it's a a small thing in our society" he said

Arnav smiled at him and said

"Do you think I don't Directly approach her for her being a widow. That's how much you know me. If you think so then you are wrong. And yes may be it's a small thing in our society but its all different here Rachel'

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