Episode 71: Two Girls, One Ring

Start from the beginning

Tiff received a reply letter and trained even harder. 

Susie was also training hard in her room. For the first time since I wrote this book, Susie has actually missed a deadline of submitting the daily, weekly, and monthly reports of the sales, manufacturing, and factory progress. 

"Umm... Susie, dear...?" Haltmann peeked inside Susie's office as he carefully opened the door. He was afraid of Susie's behavior as she angrily punched, kicked, and head-butted the punching bag. "Just checking up on you... I mean..." Haltmann said cautiously. He was afraid that Susie's fist, feet, or head might end up on his face. "You're behind on 2 months worth of the reports... so..."

"URGH!!" Susie said as she groaned as she dropped to the floor. "I'm gonna kill her!!" she screamed in anger and frustration. 

"Susie, dear...?" Haltmann carefully approached her. "If I set up a fight place for you and... what's that brat's name again?"

"Tiff..." Susie gritted her teeth. 

"All right," Haltmann continued. "So, if I set up a fighting place, or maybe better, an ring, will you start catching up on your reports? Please?" 

"Of course, I will, Mr. Haltmann," Susie said. 

"Great! I'll set it up right now!" Haltmann said excitedly as he really needed the reports, especially from Susie. 

I just set up the ring, you'd better not chicken out.

The message from Susie was sent to Tiff. "Let's do this!!" Tiff said as she crumpled the paper. 

"Tiff, my dear," Lady Like called as she entered the room with her husband. 

"Are you sure you want to do this fight?" Sir Ebrum asked.

"How did you know I was going to fight?" Tiff asked. 

"I saw you training with Sir Meta Knight," Lady Like said. 

"Tiff, dear, we don't want you in that fight," Sir Ebrum said. 

"But, mom, dad, please," Tiff begged. "I've been training so hard for this! I need to settle this down with her! Pleeeaaaase?"

"For this first time in our life," Sir Ebrum said. "She's acting more foolish than Tuff."

"Tiff, promise us you'll be safe," Lady Like said. 

"I'll try to win," Tiff said. 


"WEEEEELCOME TO THE FIRST MIXED MARTIAL ART COMPETITION!!" Haltmann announced. Everyone from Cappy Town and Haltmann Works Company was all in the audience seat of the ring and they violently cheered. "From the red corner, we have a fierce and intelligent young yet fierce warrior from Cappy Town, TIIIIIIIIIIFF!!!" 

As Tiff came out and waved, citizens from Cappy Town cheered while the employees of Haltmann Works Company booed. 

"From the blue corner, we have a fierce and intelligent young yet fierce warrior from Haltmann Works Company," Haltmann announced. 

"Why is he using the same explanation for me and Susie?" "Why is he using the same explanation for me and Tiff?" Tiff and Susie asked themselves respectively in the different places.

"SUUUUUUUUSIEEEEEEEEE!!" Haltmann announced. 

As Susie came out and saluted, employees of Haltmann Works Company cheered while the citizens from Cappy Town booed. 

As Tiff and Susie stepped on the ring, they glared at each other with boxing gloved on their hands. 

"Heh heh heh!!" Dedede laughed. "This is gonna be fun!!" 

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