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"Not now, Robin."

"Is the girl dead!" She exclaimed, forcing my shoulders back to get a glimpse at Lani for herself. I don't know what took over my body but my first instinct was to protect her. Quickly swinging myself around and dodging another one of Robin's scolding glares. I hear her walking faster down the path behind me.

"She's unconscious. Where are you taking her?" Her annoying voice rang through the air.

"Robin. Get rid of the fake concern." My tone was as icy as the ground we walked on. Robin is an ex fling. Someone to call the moment your toes are cold. A shoulder to cry on. In my case I only did one of those things. I called her when I wanted to be fucked. Hard.

She's a bitch and she likes it. We all call her the newspaper. If we had one, she'd be front page and writing every story herself. I tuck more of Lani's body closer to my chest thinking about it. The little human never failed to give me comfort. Even when she's unconscious.

I moved her from my parents house without their knowledge. I couldn't spend dinner with them. It doest matter how much Lani begs me, I just couldn't. I was planing to escape anyway. My excuse worked out better than I thought it would.

"Santa will hear about this." Robin throws herself in front of me.

"Oh yeah?" I tilt my head, adjusting Lani in my arms. Robin's gaze drops down and eyes widen.

"You're replacing me?" She shrieks so loud, a few elves stop what they're doing to watch us with amused smiles. The only action they get is the night Santa lifts off in his sleigh. But then again, me too.

"Get out of my way before the human freezes to death. Then she'll really be unconscious." I knock her away one again. Its failed to work, again. Its surprising Lani hasn't woken up with Robin's loud mouth.

"No wonder you haven't been around lately. You've been tending to this.. to this-" She stutters right as every elf starting to gather around us gasps.

"I would't." I stop to glare at her.

"Well, I'm telling Jack!" She says instead of the insult she was about to spew.

"Good for you!" I growl. Jack Frost. Dirty girl. She's probably somewhere watching the nutcracker. Not only was our mutual because of her boredom ad frequent visits to the North Pole, but because I've been roped into a few threesomes. Just a few.

But they only made me feel lonelier. Truthfully I only did it because of the hatred I have for myself. Immortality isn't as jolly as it may sound to some. Especially when you're criticized for everything you do, it's like you can't breathe.

I'm stuck in a hell loop. Alone.

"Why are you sleeping with a mortal?" She asks defensively making the elves once again, gasp.

"Why is everything about sex? Can't two people be friends, nothing more. Seriously, get the hell out of my way Robin. I don't want to see your face again. If I do, there will be nothing nice said to your face. Trust me." I shut her down while making a beeline towards my cabin. So focused on my thoughts and anger, I failed to noticed the blue eyes that were open and staring at me from below.

"It's okay, Mary." She murmured. I drop her down onto the cough and walk away with my hands pressed to my face. Confrontation like these remind me of how hopelessly unhappy I am. Why must I be a burden to every single person.

"Don't cry." Lani's arms wrap around my neck as she pulls me into her. Stuffing my face down into the crook of her neck, I let out a long and pained groan. I can't let her get to me. She'll be gone soon. I've never been a holder of happiness for long.

I try letting go. My brain agree's with my words and confirmations. But my body doesn't. I keep trying to remove myself from the girl but my arms only grow tighter around her. Soaking up the feeling of her body pressed to mine, she's cold.

But nothings ever felt right. Until this feeling. She's everything I've know yet I know nothing about her. She's always cold, she reminds me of home. Her icy touch, the warm look that's always in her blue eyes that should look cold but doesn't.

"You heard?" I ask, mumbling.

"Everything." She confessed, placing her head onto my shoulder while she started to rock us back and forth. My eyes slowly close on their own.

"Why does everyone hate me?" I'd genuinely never heard my voice so small. I sound like a child. It didn't help that her hair muffled my words.

"That's not true." Her words sound like a promise. But I know better.

"All I did as a kid was make things more fun. I changed up the rules, I craved difference but all everyone wants here is to do the same repetitive thing. They didn't like change, therefore, they've never liked me. And thats all I've wanted, Lani. Was to be liked, loved. When I started to become lonely, I couldn't reverse their opinions about me." I screw my eyes tightly closed the moment memories start flashing through my head at every point in time that I've ever felt disappointment.

You know, that heart wrenching feeling. Like needles puncturing your soul.

"I want to do something right for once."

"You're too hard on yourself." She mutters, dragging her fingers through the back of my hair gently. Continuing to go back for more.

"I'm okay." I finally pull away, shaking my head. The second our eyes meet, she shoves me back into her, gripping me harder too her.

"You don't have to pretend with me." She whispers into my ear and the sound pinched my chest.

"I know." I mumble.

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