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"Move out of the way. Very important letter. I have a very important letter, Mary, I have a very, very, very important letter that's just arrived for you! I wish you'd open it now! Open it right up!" Mailer elf runs up to my desk. Little feet tapping against the floor as he does. He launches himself over the side of my large desk, heaving.

I look up, coming face to face with the red cheeked mailer. Standing on the small stool i've provided for times like these. His short arm extends out with a white envelope clasped between his tiny rosy fingers.

"And what's this?" I lift an eyebrow at his heavy breathing. He leans his body weight further down onto my desk, which isn't much as he lets out another pant. Waving his hand around in front of his mouth, wanting me to wait so he could speak.

I have no patience for it. Yanking the mail from his hands and ripping it open. I take out the contents, a letter. Addressed to me. I can't help but swallow back a yawn and begin drifting my eyes down the paper, scanning, yet not reading every word.

My back slumped back in my chair and feet kicked up high on my desk. I blankly ignore the look of disapproval from a certain elf glaring at me from ahead. As I find myself reading the letter all too fast, he makes a small grunt of disapproval.

I toss it back to mailer elf feeling bored.

"Mary!" Mailer elf grumbles. Jumping down and grabbing it. He throws it back down onto my desk. Slamming it with his hand.

It's addressed to Claus anyway. My mail is usually always addressed with just my name, Mary. It has to be some sort of mistake or joke.

« Excuse me, what is with this attitude?" My hardened gaze met his fearful eyes.

"Mr. Claus sent this directly. It's for you, Mary." Mailer spoke with a tremble to his tone.

"D-Don't shoot the messenger!" Stuttering, mailer makes a run for it back through the door and down the long hall.

"For me?" I whisper out loud. Now it's my turn to swallow down a fearful feeling. Inevitably the curiosity gets to me. I open it back up.

Dear, Claus

Mary. I have a very important job lined up for you. I've been told your office work may be getting to your head just a bit by some of the elves. Instead, I offer you with a sort of distraction. A young woman by the name of Lani Salvatore will be flying here to the pole.

She will be my nurse. My heath has been fluctuating and your mother believes that it won't long before I won't be strong enough to deliver this Christmas. As I will retire. That I do not wish to do. Just yet.

Immortality yes. Though pain and sickness will forever stick. I will need to get into better health to better myself and to live with beautiful memories of my children.

Don't worry about your father, i'm fine. Come visit me more. You will be Lani's tour guide. You will also house her. There are no other homes available at the moment.

Thank you.


Like a tracking elf. I dropped what I was doing and found my way directly to my father. He was exactly where I though he'd be. At home and sitting down at the dinner table with a plate of something in front of him.

"What the hell is this about dad?" I slam the letter down onto the dining table beside his full course meal. Cookies and a steaming cup of hot cocoa. My gaze meets my sister Ivy's from across the table. She rolls them.

"Mary darling please not now, your father needs to get some food into his system." Mother replaced the plate of cookies with a leafy green salad. Like that'll help.

"Why should I babysit some little human?" I was fired up and I have reason to be. I've never been taken seriously around here. I'm a joke.

My sister is sitting there with a smug look on her face. Baking herself away in the kitchen with our mother. Making food for all the house and village.

Me? I get to check off the naughty and nice list. What's a bore! Yes and no, check. Check, check! My hands had cuts and blisters.

"And what are you a mechanical robot?" Ivy choked on her eggnog. Smiling as her husband placed a hand onto her shoulder.

She gets a rile out of mother and father as they both chuckle at her remark. Don't they know i'm being serious?

"We're all human here, Mary."

"Have you had background checks on this human father? Is she qualified? Is this necessary?" My cheeks burn as they continued to laugh harder at my worst fear coming true. A child, a real human here at the north pole. Not an immortal.

And another fear, my father. Who's sick.

"Mary." His head shook as his smile reached his glimmering orbs. Staring up at me with a look of adoration. His hands find mine, clasping them.

"I'm being serious!" I spit.

"I know, I know you are Mary. I know you are, I- I need a nurse Mary. Someone qualified, and she is. She's coming now, could be here at any hour now. Now, please corporate, yes? I need this woman to heal me. Without her Christmas is .. is- ruined. Do this for me, Please. It's all I ask of you. I've chosen you for a reason." Fathers warm hands clasped mine.

Ivy and mother's eyes tear up. Yikes.

"I worry about a human entering the pole father. Though I can't deny the fact that we need you better." I whisper not wanting my family to hear my vulnerability from my ragged tone. I never showed my family vulnerability.

They would used it against me in a heartbeat.

"Thank you sweet girl. I knew you were my favorite." He winks causing my lips to curl up. Even if he is lying.

I was no ones favorite. As I child I was quite the trouble maker. I may even be the most negative person here in the pole. But that's just me. I couldn't help feeling different from the others. I just wasn't as jolly.

"You sure about that father?" Ivy smirks and the prideful feeling in my chest slowly fades.

I'll make you proud someday father.

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