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Ive been waiting around like a kid on christmas for this woman to walk through the front door.

Assume my excitement once I hear the front door open. My heads thrown towards the door as I secretly watch her from the couch walk through the hallway.

She ignores me as she walks to her room and I pout. Deciding to give her a few minutes, I go and grab a glass of water. Counting each one of the floorboards before I walk up to her door like the needy girl I am.

"Can I sleep in your bed tonight?" I ask peeking my head in. It was a dumb question that I shouldn't have asked. But I wanted to comfort her without her knowing what I was doing.

"Lay down." She didn't pick her head up from the usual list in her lap. I hurry over to pull the comforter back before she could change her mind.

"Is there something wrong with your bed?"

"No.." I trail off awkwardly, staring at her.

"Don't feel bed for me little mouse." She signed, reading my thoughts without even looking at me.

"I happen to really adore your home. It's much more comfortable than the one my parents are staying at." I compliment, watching a smile curl onto her lips.

"Comforting me with compliments, Lani?" She out her pen and list down to look at me.


"You aren't sleeping."

"I'm not really tired." I let the words slip right out of my mouth as i've realized my mistake.

My hand slowly travels underneath the comforter to her waist. Poking her side.

"No." She states, still staring at me with a small and unmoving glare.

"No?" I ask, placing my hand onto her thigh, squeezing softly.

Hot cocoa, movies, face masks, popcorn?

"I don't have any face masks." Her hand covers mine on her thigh. She doesn't try to move it, but keeps it there. Fingers running over mine, I intertwine our pinkies.

"What's your favorite christmas movie?" I ask.

She licks her lips and looks down.

"It's goofy isn't it."

"No!" She frowns, gripping my hand tighter. Without knowing, bringing it above the comforter and into her lap.

"What is it. Mine is the polar express." I tell her confidently.

"How the grinch stole christmas." She murmured, looking at me with an innocent gleam in her pretty eyes.

"I love that movie."

"You do?" Her brows furrowed.

"Who doesn't?" I grip her hand.

"The elves like to joke about me being the grinch every year." Her eyes take in the visibly angry look on my face. I sit up from my relaxed positing, angered.

"How could they do that. Which ones?"

"It doesn't matter." A small smile takes over her features.

"It does, Mary." She places her other hand over mine.

"Find the popcorn and i'll find the dvd of polar express, okay?" She asks with a tilt of her head.

"Dvd? You guys need an upgrade up here." I shake my head as she stares at me in amusement.

"Candy is in the second drawer to the right of the fridge." She relaxes my hands while jumping off of the bed and going into the closet next to the window.

I took that as a hurry up and scurried to the kitchen. I popped two bags and found m&ms and twix in the candy drawer.

I got all of them and walked back to her bedroom. Placing them all onto the bed, I ignore her ass arched into the air as she put the dvd in and walked back to the kitchen for drinks. Shaking my head.

"I didn't know what you wanted so I went with water."

"Thank you, Lani." She nods, grabbing the water from my hand and downing it.

"Hey, turn the light off." She points to the light switch and I freeze. I don't know why I thought she wouldn't want the light off but I race over and flip the switch.

The movie had already started.

"Lani?" Mary whispers.

"Hm?" I hum, turning my head to face her. We both had laid down toward the beginning of the movie. Both reaching into the popcorn bowls at once. Our hands touched multiple times.

Indefinitely when she moved the empty bowls to the floor and all left to divide us were our hands next to each other.

Eventually, her pinky covered mine and wrapped itself around my finger. Holding on to me.

"I've never watched a movie with another person before." She spoke slowly, eyes never leaving the tv screen in front of her.


"Movies didn't really exist when I was growing up and then by the time they did, I was on my own." She continued to confess her memories with me. Pinky gliding up and down the top of mine gently.

"You don't have any friends?" I watch her face as I take my foot, moving it across the bed to slowly touch hers. I hope sky words wouldn't hurt her feelings, and they don't.

Her foot curled over mine.

"No." She released a heavy breath.

"I think things will be different now." I whisper.

"How come?" She turns her head to face me. Her soft cheek pressed into her pillow.

"You have me now."

Her hand completely covers mine. Intertwining them, she brings our locked hands up to her face and presses a kiss down to my wrist.

"I do."

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