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"Are you okay?" Mary asks, grabbing my face.

A blush spreads across my cheeks as I remove myself completely from her touch, jumping down from the sleigh and trying to hide the brightness of my cheeks. Embarrassment floods me.

Slipping on ice, she quickly stands to grab my arm. Helping me steady myself. I look up into her eyes and my body starts to shake, trembling.

"I'm.. we're.. I.. late." I stutter.

"Not that late, Ms. Salvatore." She gazed into my eyes with a knowing look glazed in them. Smirk her pretty lips, my eyes flicker down to her puffy lips. I even find myself slowly leaning forward. Something in my tugging me to close the small gap between the two of us.

It wouldn't take much. Like she knows exactly what i'm thinking, she dodged me, walking around and towards the roofs exist door, pulling and holding it open for me to walk through.

"Coming?" She asks softly. My stomach drops at the sound. It was just as I imagined in my dream the night before. She was underneath me, legs bent back, wide and trembling.

Her scream rang out, she was.. coming.

I pushed past her with a shake of my head. Walking down the stairwell quickly. I find the door that I saw everyday as a child and knocked. Hard.

My parents couldn't open the door fast enough. Mary pressed her chest into my back, I was half shoved into the door.

My hands quickly find the doorframe. Gripping it tightly, pushing my palms against it.

Her hands travel up from my sides, reaching my hips and clutching. Her hands fiddling with the end of my hoodie, lifting the front of my hoodie as well as my t-shirt underneath.

Warm fingers gliding across the skin of my stomach. I fall into her back, melting. Truthfully giving my body to her. Reacting.

"You shouldn't have worn this ridiculous thing." She says next to my ear. Hands gliding further up. I place my hands now onto hers out of reflex. I gulp feeling my stomach flex underneath her palms. How could the touch of one woman bring me to my knees?

"I told Miles you had asthma." She grumbles, sliding her entire arm around my waist.

"I don't have asthma!" I blow out angrily. She slowly removes her arm and I regret raising my voice. I would have begged for her arm back if my parents hadn't opened the door right then.

With wide smiles, I see both of them standing with winter clothing on. All ready to leave and excitedly.

They've always love christmas since before I can even remember. Our apartment was always decorated by November third. Every single year. It was tradition after all.

"Who might you be!" My mother clasped her hands together, referring to the tall blonde standing behind me. I turn my head around and to straight away meet Mary's strong gaze.

"Mary. You?" I hear the innocence in her voice. It swells my heart to know it's just her. She meant well. She wasn't great at making conversation rather than demanding things.

She lightly pushes me aside and walks into the apartment. My eyes widen but my parents get a kick out of it. Leaving me to shut the door as they follow her in with their eyes.

"I'm Evelyn, this is my husband Richard." Mom sends a wink my way. Mary caught the look and glared at me. Why me! My mother did it.

"The two of you were smart enough to wrap up." Her eyes left my face to wander around.

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