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I kept myself busy for two days. That's all it took for little Lani to waltz her way into my office space.

It seems she can't spend more than two days away from me. Ever. It's the breaking point for her. Its humorous but shouldn't the desperation embarrass her?

"Hi." She closed the door behind her with a smile. Inch by inch walking closer to my desk.

I smirk, watching her frown at the sight of me nowhere near my desk. Her bright eyes look around for me and she jumps at the sight of me.

"Mary." She greets again.


"I have a question." She starts walking up to me as I stand next to a book shelf. Placing one last file where it needs to be, I give her my full attention.

"I told you to ask Miles if you had questions."

"Just hear me out." She huffs.

"Go ahead." I trail off.

"How does one get off of the naughty list. Not that I need to know, no. I- I'm asking for a friend of course." She stutters her way through her sentence.

"Of course." I nod, humoring her.

"Well, i'd advise being a good girl until Christmas day. That's the only way." I shrug my shoulders, pushing past her.

"How can I be a-a g-good girl?" She stops me by grabbing my wrist in a tight grip.

"First of all, honesty is everything. It's the first rule of being a good girl. Now, Lani. Tell me why you've been following me around like a lost little reindeer for the past two days." I brush off her hand, placing both my hands to my hips.

I can't get enough of you. I hear her voice her thoughts clear as day inside my head.

"You can't get enough of me." I clench my jaw out of irritation, again. The human girl had been stuck in my head for the past two days. I should have never let her touch me.

"I can't get enough of you, Mary." My eyes roll. From her perspective i'm sure it looked rude. But it's her voice that's killing me. Every word from her lips sound like a promise.

"You want me to fuck you, Lani?" I ask her with a bored tone. It didn't threaten the woman, she doesn't back down. Better yet she stares at me with fuck me eyes.

That word. She used that word when we.. when she. I swallow thickly and pace the floor.

"You want to fuck me, Mary." Stop it.

"Fuck me Mary." She murmurs, coming up to stand next to me. Her hands grab my hips.

"Fuck me Mary." She begs again.

"Look at me."

"You think you own me, little mouse?" I take my time to slowly to turn to her. Lifting and dragging my finger up the base of her throat.

"I know I do." Lani glares up at me.

"Whys that?" My hand forms into a, c. Cuffing her neck, she swallows thickly. Eyes turning a darker shade, she subconsciously takes a step forward. Closing our distance.

"You asked me to beg you to come on my thigh. I'm in that head of yours rent free, Mary Claus." She conspires against me as she pressed her chest up against mine.

She stares up at me with a darkened look in her eyes and suddenly. I know exactly why I call her my little mouse. Compared to me, she's tiny in every way.

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