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"It's been a decade since i've last done something to anger my family. Why must they treat me like this, Comet? What is it about me that angers them." I rant to a reindeer about my personal life. It's what i've done since I was a kid.

They're the only ones who listen to me.
In a way, other than Miles. The reindeer are my only friends. Comet licks my wet cheek, taking away every warm tear that streamed down.

I'm sitting in the far corner of the stables. Hidden behind a small wall, I cry even harder into my arms.

You would think after centuries the pain would dissolve but it hasn't yet.

"Why won't they love me?" I lean forward and wrap my arms around Comet. Her head nuzzles down into my back to keep me warm.

That's the great thing about animals. It doesn't matter who you are or what you've done. They'll always care for you.

"They've always done this. Even before I did all of those things. I did them for attention.. and still." I hug Comet tighter as my eyes became heavy.

She leans further down and I know then it means she's fallen asleep. Now it's my turn. The pain in my heart puts me to sleep.

"I love you, Comet." I mumble.



"Lani?" I hear a voice repeating my name.

Shaking my shoulders, I feel my head be removed from softness to something hard. The ground.

"Hm." I place my hand to my head. It didn't hurt. My back took the fall. And something else. Comets leg. I slowly blink away to see Mary standing over me with her hands on her hips.

"So you thought you could sleep on top of me. Ever heard of personal space? Obviously if I didn't come back last night, I wanted space." She growls angrily. I gasp, realizing i'm putting my full weight onto comets leg.

"I-i'm s-sorry." I mumble, feeling tears start to bubble up in my eyes. The sight of her becomes blurry as my vision is blinded by tears.

"Who are you to sleep next to me. Check up on me for that matter?" She continues to ask angrily. Taking a step forward and squatting down in front of me.

"Look at me when I speak to you." She lifts my head with her hand. She ignores Comet's loud growl, wiping away my tears.

She squeezed my chin harshly, fingers digging deep into my skin, I heave out in pain. Trying to shake her away from me. My hands pushing attention her shoulders does nothing.

"L-let go of m-me!"

"You don't know me." She states.

"Mary i-i'm.."

"You will never know me."

"Please." I beg.

"You are a guest. You are my fathers nurse not my therapist or safe haven. Learn your places before I show you, Ms. Salvatore. You're getting a bit too comfortable for your own good." She threw down my head as she finished her words and stood back up.

Walking out of the stable and slamming the half door closed. I let out a gasp and the tears coming flowing.

Comet nudged my arm and it hits me that it's morning. I'm late for Santa's check in.

I hurried to Mary's cabin. I heard something shut in her bedroom. She came back here too.

I suck up the strong urge to break my way in there and apologize. I decided to get myself dressed and ready instead.

I hope she'll come around. If not i'll eat myself alive for it. I overwhelmed her what do I expect, a pat in the back?

"Mary!" My head flew towards the living room door. Santa's decided to rest in here today instead of his bedroom. Which is understandable. I can't imagine how tiring seeing the same four walls is everyday.

I wouldn't mind if it was Mary's bedroom.

Eventually I forget that i'm writing the ingredients to a healthy meal in Santa's journal and watch Mary walk in.

Her gaze flickered over for a second, not long. She walks up to her father and hugged him tightly.

"Hello darling how have you been?" He said, smothered behind her thick hair.

She stands back and sits next to me on the couch. She leans forward to grab a cookie and I smack her hand.

Realizing my mistake, my eyes widen as she turns slowly to glare at me. It wasn't like her usual glare. She looked at me now as if she hates every fiber of my being.

And if i'm being honest. It terrified me.

"I-i'm sorry. I'm so u-used to. T-to him." I point my pen over to Santa without looking his way. I could somehow handle my embarrassment in front of Mary but not another person.

"Don't be sorry Lani! Mary understands. You don't know how many times she's told me to eat a salad!" Santa makes a disgusting look on his face, making me laugh.

I hear a much and know that Mary's already sunk her teeth into the sugar cookie. Her father stares at the plate of cookies with jealousy.

"How's the world going to react when they see the new me? I've always been a little chubby. It's my signature." Santa pouts.

"Hm, well. You point out the strong fact that i'd you didn't fix your health there would be no christmas.."


"Noel is in heaven."

"What?" I snap.

"What?" Mary murmurs with a softened look on her face.

"What do you mean he's in heaven. He died? You can die?" Fear tore through me so fast. It felt like I couldn't move an inch of my body.

What if something happened to her. She always eats cookies and doesn't wearing jackets. She doesn't sleep and I never see her eat.

"He's having sexual relationships with an angel." My jaw drops as I turn my head back to Santa.

"Why are you scared?" Mary asks making me turn my head back over to her.

"Yes. I felt that too." Santa smirks behind is glass of milk. Mary looks down at me with worried eyes.

"N-nothing." I was about to seal you in to a bubble and never take you out. Just to keep you safe.

"A bubble? That doesn't seem safe anyway." My head snaps over to Santa and Mary glared at me.

"What's he talking about. What are you talking about?" Mary asks accusingly.

"Lani wants to put you in a.."

"Nothing!" Interrupt him quickly.

"Why do you want to put me in a bubble. Is that possible dad?" I lean forward and place my head in both of my hands.

I'm getting a migraine.

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