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"Apologize and you get the pretty little nurse. Now I expect you on your way in about fifteen, that good for you, Ivy? I've got a very busy schedule." I sit my hot cocoa on the counter as I talk to my sister. It's been two days and she still hasn't been by.

"You're risking the health of our father because of this!" She growls angrily into the speaker before hanging up on me. It's not like our father isn't immortal. He's fine. We as immortals still get sick, feel sick. But it's never enough to kills us. It can't break the curse.

"Was that.. um." Lani comes into the room wearing a sweater and jeans. The outfit looked odd. No one has dressed here in such a way ever. I take notice of her flushed cheeks. She's so shy around me. It's kind of cute.

"Ivy. She's coming to apologize, maybe. If I were you i'd get everything together to leave. She's right, I uh. I shouldn't be keeping you away from dad-"

"Dad?" She cuts me off with wide eyes.

"Yes. Santa's my father." I raise an eyebrow.

"You kept me away from your own family?" She pouts as usually, staring at me with a certain look in her eyes. It was disappointment, in me? I frown and turn my head down. I never want to see that look again.

"You know what. Tell Ivy never mind. I'm late anyway." I pick up my mug and pour the scorching liquid down the drain and move over to the back door and quickly. Before my sister could get here.

"No wait. I'm sorry, did I hurt your feelings?" She clasped her hand around my wrist to pull me back. The disappointment was long gone. All I can see is sadness now.

"Lock up when you leave." I shrug her off and escape. She was right. I did this to my own family, it doesn't matter whether or not he's immortal. I've put him through pain and suffering because of my feelings.

He won't ever forgive me. No one will. I'd better distance myself from them again. Here I go victimizing myself.

"You walk so fast, geez!" I spin around with wide eyes. Lani bumps into me and shivers.

"What are you doing?" I ask, looking down and seeing her feet turned blue again. She's walked out of my home without shoes or a jacket.

"I don't want you to be angry with me.." Her voice wavers. Eyes blinking quickly, she looks away from my face as they glaze over.

"So you'd rather catch pneumonia?" I glare.

"Please don't be angry with me. I'm sorry."

"No shoes, no jacket." I cut her off and start shaking my head disapprovingly.

"I was hoping you'd forgive and carry me back. Just like you did last time." She mumbles underneath her breath. Looking down and shaking. I pick her head up with my hands.

"I'm a busy woman." I deadpan.

"Yeah, so?" She spoke softly. I can see embarrassment flare in her eyes just as she finished her sentence. She swallows thickly, searching me eyes for something more than annoyance.

"Get on." I simply turn around and wait. Hesitant. A few moments pass before she's jumping onto my back like a kitten. Clinging on to me with her arms and legs. I start walking back to the cabin. Hooking my hands under her thighs.

"This is going to become a regular thing, isn't it?" I ask, watching snowflakes start to fall from the sky. She gets comfortable hearing the sound of my voice. Now resting her body down onto my back.

"What do you mean?" She hummed knowing exactly what I meant.

"You following me out into the blistering cold. Coming into my room past midnight. Trying to be as close to me as you possibly can be."

"That's not.. I just.. If i hadn't followed you. I would have worried about it all day long. Whether or not you were upset or angry with me." She spoke quietly next to my ear. Tightening her arms around my neck.

"You just helped me realize my faults. I couldn't be angry with you, Lani." I look down, smirking at the way her foot shook as I said her name.


"Get inside and wrap up. Ivy should be here any minute." As soon as we get back, I open the door and drop her down. Her arms clenched as if she didn't want to let go, but does regardless.

"Let her apologize." She spoke up before I could escape again.

"I don't deserve.."

"You do. You deserve it, Mary." She cuts me off, pleading me with with her wide eyes.

"I don't want to see her." My words escape me honestly. I bite my bottom lip and shrug, to which her eyes follow my movement.

"I'll be with you. It'll be okay.."

"No." I grumble in irritation. Before she could speak, I really leave this time and quickly. For some reason this little human nuzzled her way into my head.

I don't think I like it.

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