30: Meeting my Other mother, Sierra

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She goes to the address and presses the door bell . She waited and took in a few breaths.

She will... Open the door for me right ?

The door did open. The person who opened the door was a maid. " Hi. Jou's house. How can I help you ?"

Right... Maid. Why would she open the door for me ? .... English... Luckily father made me learnt the language just so I could communicate with our special overseas clients from time to time.

Ugh. Pompous assholes who want to just kill anyone they don't like.

Ririro : heh... I'm looking for Sierra ?

" You are...?"

Ririro : I'm ririro. I come from Japan. She might know of me ?

" Japan. Right..." And the maid starts to speak in Japanese " anta wa jujutsu- shi desho."
( You are a jujutsu sorcerer right?)

Ririro:  Hai...

" You speak good English. "

Ririro ; thank you. A need for my previous job.

" Come in. "


She was led into the garden. There sat a 40-50's year old woman.

Ririro : hi ...

" She's ririro. The jujutsu-shi. From Japan that takano sent."

Seirra : Hi. Ririro.

Ririro sat down

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Ririro sat down .

" you've grown big. I've always been thinking about you , you know ? From time to time." She started to speak Japanese " it's good I can speak Japanese again. Been long. "

"  I see. " And so ririro continued in Japanese as well. " Thank you for thinking of me. "

Sierra ; You were so small and I had to see you sent away. I nursed you, you know. Until you were five. Do you remember me ?

Ririro shook her head " sometimes I would dream that, I had a nice sweet family in the past. I had a younger brother too. But father just told me, I was thinking too much. Father as in... Takano."

Sierra : well... I did have a son. Who is one year older than you.

Ririro: so... It's real ?

Sierra : hai.

Ririro ; then... My real daddy...

Sierra ; sorry honey. My husband takahi , he died of cancer early. After he left me the company he built. Just before his illness really a toll on him, he sent you away. I remember...

Flashback ~

Sierra : what ?!! No !! She's mine now. You can't just take her away !!

Takahi : sierra.

Sierra ; you brought this baby to me. Had me raised it, I love her. And now you're just taking her away from me ?!! No !!

Takahi: I have to

Sierra ; why ?!! Just because of those problems? We could handle it. I'm ok with it.

Takahi: sierra. I know you love ririro. But I have to send her back.

Sierra ; send back where? You're leaving her ? You're her daddy !! You said your friend passed it to you. You think I'm an idiot ?!! You can't just leave her !!

Takahi: what ... ?

Sierra : .... Honestly... It's probably Mari's isn't it ?

Takahi: what ? No.

Sierra : don't lie to me !!!

Takahi: I mean yes. It's hers. But not me and her !!

End ~

Ririro: what ...?

Sierra ; right ? Trust me. I was as shocked as you.

Ririro: was he telling the truth?

Sierra ; I did... Do a test.... It's true.

Ririro ; oh...

Sierra ; sorry. Couldn't help you find your daddy.

Ririro shakes her head " it's ok. " She smiled to reassure her.

" Ma'am. The White Hunter is here." The maid intercedes

Sierra : oh right.

Ririro ; White Hunter ?

Sierra ; we have a small curse issue in town. I reported it, so they're now here.

Ririro ; so they're...

Sierra ; they are jujutsu-shi, like you. Just they call themselves White Hunters. And they call curses, Unpure

Ririro : oh. Overseas English version. Cool.

Sierra ; oh oh. You two should meet !!

The man lets himself in " hi ! Sierra-chan ."

Ririro : he speaks... Japanese ?

" Special cater to sierra-san from the organisation. I'm shisui ."

Ririro ; shisui...

Shisui:  I'm actually Japanese.

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