29 || Damn It, Hoseok!

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Hoseok POV

"I don't appreciate liars darkening my doorstep. State your business and go."

I twist my mouth nervously at Jova's greeting. She stands in her apartment doorway with one hand on her hip and the other holding the doorknob itching to slam the divider in my face.

I deserve it.

"I wanted to apologize for-"

"No!" Jova points one shaky finger at me. "No, you didn't come here to apologize, Hoseok, so don't fucking say you did!"

"But, Jo, I never-"

"You never what? Lied?" Her volume increases to the point it triggers a neighbor's dog to bark.

Sighing heavily, my shoulders slump. "This is a personal matter and your neighbors don't need to really know everything. Can I please come in and talk to you about this? Will you let me do that?"

"I am positive they have heard our carnal sessions on more than one occassion. If it's all the same to you, I'd rather not have you inside of my apartment again, Mr. Jung. Our business is complete."

"Do you really think that what happened between us was just business? After nine years of sharing each other so intimately, it was only 'business'? Because that hurts."

"Don't guilt trip me." Jova growls.

"Please, Jova. Let me explain."

She glares at me so angrily that the pain in her eyes is nearly hidden. "You take two steps into my apartment and then no further. No taking off your coat because your bullshit story won't take long."

I nod and step cautiously over the threshold keeping my eyes on the woman who not long ago welcomed me happily into her bed. I knew she was angry, of course she should be, but I didn't think I would feel as much hate from her as I do.

"You have two minutes." Jova crosses her arms under her breasts. "Speak."

"First of all, thank you for allowing me to come in. Your neighbors-"

"Moving on, Hoseok."

It takes a few tries to swallow the knot in my throat. "I am truly sorry for what happened, Jova. I never intended to connect with her. It just happened."

She waits for me to continue but I don't. In all honesty, I should have probably planned my apology better with more detail to my statements, but it's too late to go back now.

If I ask for a do-over, I am positive Jova won't let me into her apartment again.

"That's it?" She frowns.

"I.. yes?"

"I was holding a toddler when you broke our connection."

"Why were you holding a toddler?"

"I applied for a job at a daycare. I was at the interview and they wanted to see how I would react to the children there."

I observe her as she exhales and her bottom lip quivers. Jova looks away into the living room blinking a few times without a word.

"Did you get the job?"

Her eyes cut back to me, moist with unshed tears. "I held that child and we bonded so quickly and I thought 'wow, this is amazing'. Then the child's father came to pick him up and the love and care in this man's face when he finally saw his child again after his day of working was heart wrenching."

..but I still want you // OT7 [COMPLETED]Where stories live. Discover now