Someday when he cleans his desk.

Maybe someday.

I bring my hand into view, the one that was fed from.

I examine the bite mark and noted that this one would leave a mark.

Well, what bite mark doesn't?

I hug my hand to my chest and closes my lids, allowing peaceful sleep to engulf my senses yet again.


I woke with a start, not exactly knowing why I did.

I examine the bedroom and noted that it was sunrise as buckets of rich colors pooled through the curtains and lightened the room from it's misery.

Surprisingly I felt a lot better than a few hours ago.

I gasp, shooting my body forward to slouch.

I've slept the entire night without my collar.

Cupping my neck with a hurry, I tensed with shock.

My burns are healed completely.

Usually when Master was done feeding from me or even after giving me a break from the collar, the wounds wasn't completely healed but still felt sensitive and irritated.

Now, I felt my smooth skin, yet still could feel the bumps of the marks the collar scarred.

It did astound me that Master didn't put it on when I was still sleeping, but since I'm a light sleeper, I probably would have startled awake.

I can't say I'm ungrateful, but instead felt a great amount of gratitude.

He allowed me to rest and because of that, I feel more vivacious and...lively.

It was a feeling that took me a few long seconds to recognize, because it was rare that it ever happened.

I blink.

He allowed me to sleep without the collar.

I tense the instant I heard the shriek of the doorknob, intensively watching it open.

Master stepped inside the room and closed the door behind him, a tireding look paling his features.

Strands of hair graced to frame against his face as he scanned the room with harsh eyes and when they rested on me, my heart panicked.

Maybe he wanted me to put on the collar myself? Maybe he's upset that I don't have it on? Should I put it on?

"You'll be coming with me to my lab," he said flatly.

I nod, our intense eye-contact causing discomfort to me, but I'm unable to break it as I'm achingly pulled in with fear to keep a close eye to the predator that feeds from me.

It was pure, agonizing fear and I knew with fright that he could smell it like a strong smell you're unable to ignore.

He sighs, breaking the contact and strode across the room to his dressing room.

A bucket of icy relief pooled down on me and caused my entire body to feel numb and wobbly.

"You have exactly thirty minutes to finish before I put on the collar again. Shower, dress, eat and do anything you like before I put it on again."

I gulp in vain to try and get rid of the lump in my throat, but it stubbornly stayed and irritated my throat.

I pull my covers aside and slid down the sill, my legs dangling as I cupped the in-curve to steady myself.

Poisoned RoseyWhere stories live. Discover now