The next day we had breakfast and then training started. I went to the other side of the forest away from everyone. My training consists of controlling more than one element at a time.

The reason I'm away from everyone is because if something go's wrong someone could get hurt.

This is how the training camp went. The last night we had a test of courage. I had to scare the other. Some of them laughed saying I couldn't do it. I only grin.

I made my way into the forest.

"Demon arts: Scarecrow." I said.

This shows anyone in a 25m radius their worst fear. Group by group they enter and that night the forest was filled with screams of terror. The Wild Wild Pussycats wanted to intervene but Dad stopped them with a shit eating grin.

Time skip....

It was now time for the provisional licensing exam. I went with the second years that didn't make it the first time.

I was already in my hero costume. I made my way to the auditorium where we'll be told what the exam will consist of.

"Good day everyone. I'll be in charge of the exam today. So listen up. It's a free for all. Each will be given three targets. You have to place where others can see them, meaning you can't put them under you clothes. If all three targets are hit by someone you are out. You have to eliminate three people before moving on. The targets will turn green if you passed. The first 100 will go to the second exam." The tired looking guy said.

We were given our targets. I place mine on my chest. The buzzer go's off signaling we have ten minutes to scatter. After everyone made it to where they want to be the signal to begin is given.

I walk around. '13 around me waiting. Ambush maybe?' I thought. I kept walking like I don't know they are there.

After a few steps they jump out. I create a whip from light and strike five of their targets effectively eliminating those five.

It happened so fast they didn't even have time to react or realize I already passed so they can't go after me. My targets turn green they looked at me strangely. I point at the five I eliminated. Their gaze travel to their targets eyes widen realization dawned on them.

I proceeded to make my way to the waiting room. Once there I notice I'm the only one.

After and hour the first hundred were called. We were told about the next exam. Rescue operation.

Bombs go off all around the testing gound. I sigh as we waited for that actors to get in position. The signal was given and everyone ran around looking for people to save.

I made it to the city. Helped a child from underneath some rubble. I made sure he wasn't too badly 'injured'. I look over to see a examinee just roughly pulling out a woman that a 'steel rod' in her stomach.

"Hey are you crazy!? You can't move her so roughly you'll worsen her condition!" I yell at him as I make my way to them.

I check her pulse. "Faint but it's there. To unstable to move her much." I muttered till I feel the guy pushing me away.

"Go get your own person to save." He said.

"If you don't let me treat her she'll 'die'. She can't be moved without stabilizing her first. Now if you're going to continue interfering I'll have to detain you." I said.

"As if you can!" He yells dashing toward me. I only made the shadows wrap around him. He was immobilized and was trying to get free.

I stabilize the woman's wound and transported her on a large slab of concrete and the child in my arms. The other guy was moved with my shadow.

I got to the safe zone and put her down with the child. The medics came running to us.

"The woman has a rod punchered her stomach. It seemd to have missed vital organs but was bleeding out fast I managed to stabilize her enough to transport her here. The child has scrapes and bruises but nothing life threatening. This examinee didn't handle the situation seriously and could've caused more harm to the civilian if I had not intervened. After try to stabilize the civilian he attacked me so I had to detain him." I gave my report. The medic nodded and made a call. They nodded and turned to the detainee.

"You have endangered the life of a civilian and attacked another hero. The overseer says you are disqualified and has to leave the testing grounds." They said. I was shocked I thought he would lose a few points but not out right disqualification.

"Wow isn't that a bit harsh? I know he made mistakes but not bad enough to have him disqualified." I said trying to convince them to rethink the decision.

"I'm sorry but the decision is final." They said. I turn to the guy.

"I'm really sorry. I didn't think they would do this." I said. He didn't even look angry.

"It's fine I probably wouldn't have passed anyway with the way I handled the situation. I'll improve and come back again." He said. I nod and released him from the shadows. Just then an explosion came from the gates at the side near the safe zone.

"The villains are back." I see a few 'heroes' bringing the 'injured' to the safe zone. The villains immediately hone in on them getting ready to strike.

Before they could get there I made a wall of fire protecting the civilians.

"If you want to get to them you'll have to go through me." I said.

"You're all alone. We clearly outnumber you 20:1." One of the 'villains said.

"Are you sure about that?" I asked as 19 clones emerge from the shadows. They were shocked.

"Demon arts: Shadow clone." I said as we go on the offensive. We took down the villains and detaining some. That's when I see some of my clones being destroyed by none other than Gang Orca.

"Damnit the boss." I said. I light up and a great plan. I envelope him in a mass of water.

"You know this helps me right?" He said smug. I grin.

"Yes but not if it's boiling hot." I said as the water starys to boil. I see he starys to swim to the edge. I move the bubble with him. After a bit he's knocked out I cancel the effect and restrain him.

The buzzer go's off signaling the end of the exam. I make my way way to Gang Orca who has waken up. I undo his restraints and heal his burns from the water.

"Sorry for cooking you Gang Orca sir." I said healing the last of his injuries.

"It's okay. That was a great plan using a person strength to make them overconfident then turn it against them was brilliant." He praised me. I smiled and bowed.

"Thank you for the praise sir. I appreciate it." I said and he laughed.

"Now go on and see your results." He said. I nod and made my way to the scoreboard. I see my name and see I have a perfect 100 I grin.

"I passed." I said.

After that we had to go get our picture taken for the license.

I look at mine I can't help but smile. I can finally help people.

I made my way to Dad. We head home with me rambling on about how cool my license was.

Celestial Hero: AzazelWhere stories live. Discover now