“Yep.” I said popping the p and opening my door wide so he could see the boxes and furniture.

“Cool um so Willie and I were going to go get something to eat would you want to come?”

“I shouldn’t…..” Niall cut me off.

“My treat to show you we really are not rude here.” He laughed.

“No….” he cut me off again.

“Come on Laur I promise to be nice the entire time!”

“Um ok I can start unpacking later.”  

“If you need any help moving things just holler.” He said moving so I could leave and lock my door.

“Thanks.” I smiled. As we walked down to where Willie was waiting Niall said, “So we are meeting up with some of my boys. One has gone through a bad break up and needs some support.”

“I don’t have to…..”

“Yes you do.” He said opening the door for us to go outside. We started walking when we got to the tube station we got our tickets and found our train. Willie was talking a mile a minute as I held on to the pole while the train moved.  Niall cut Willie off and asked, “So where are you from in the states?”


“Don’t think I’ve been there.”

“Probably not it’s really small, no one really ever goes there.”

“So have you seen us in concert?” he asked kind of nervously.

“Once yes in Philadelphia. I was in a club box off the side of the stage.” I answered remembering back to the concert with my best friend.

“Cool did you have fun?”

“A blast you all are really good.” I laughed.

“Thanks.” He smiled.

“Yep so um who all will be there?” I asked while getting off the train and walking up to the riverfront and over to a pub.

“Um probably all of One Direction.”

“Oh crap they don’t know I am coming, they are aren’t expecting some strange American I should…..” Niall took my hand and said, “Laur it will be fine, oh good they got us a back room.” We followed Will back to the room to see Zayn with Perrie, Louis, Liam and Harry.  They all stopped talking and looked at me. “Guys this is my new neighbor Laura.”

“Hi.” I squeaked. Willie or Will he told me to call him slid his arm along my shoulders and said, “Be nice to her Niall was already an ass to her.”

“Not really….” I started to say sitting down next to Niall and Will on my other side. Niall cut me off and said, “I totally was an ass but she forgave me.” He smiled as I sat there smiling.

“So how long are you all home?” I asked looking down at the menu Will handed me.

“Only a week then we are going again.” Harry answered a little stiff.

“Cool where are y’all headed?”

“Australia to finish the tour.” Louis said. It felt like everyone was starring at me so I slowly lifted the menu up to hide behind it. Will leaned over and whispered, “Definitely the quietest they have ever been.” 

“Why are they starring at me?”

“I’m not sure.” He said shrugging. Niall moved in and asked if I knew what I wanted. I pointed to a burger and fries, he nodded and ordered for me and got me a beer. I smiled to Niall then looked down at my hands. The guys barely spoke but they kept looking at me.  After quickly eating I moved to put money on the table and said “I am going to go Niall, Will thanks for the invite but I have to unpack.”

Strong (A Liam Payne Love Story)Book 1Tempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang