Throwbacks: 15-16

Start from the beginning

It was a long enough conversation that he had to pace around while assuring his brother.

When he reentered Maisy was sitting on the floor next to the couch, her neck craned slightly so only her head was resting on the cushion.

Miles sat down on the floor and imitated her position, even if it was pretty uncomfortable. But hey, whatever makes her feel better.

"How're you feeling?" Miles ran his hand through her hair, pausing to feel her forehead. He knew the fever was there, but it didn't help when he saw what it was doing to her.

But once again, Maisy only shrugged at his question. She certainly didn't feel that great, but Miles didn't need to know that.

"Do you want to go upstairs and lay down for a little while, or something?" Miles decided to go in a different direction, moving a loose strand of her hair behind her ear.

Maisy thought over his words for a moment before giving him a weak nod, her head still resting on the couch cushion. The simple thought of a comfortable bed made her eyelids heavy. It made Miles smile.

At least, if she does have to be sick, that she is the sleepy kind of sick.

"Alright, come on then." Miles stood up and waited for Maisy to get up, but she only stared up at him without moving a muscle. Now that she thought of it, she wasn't so sure she had the energy to get back up.

"You need someone to carry you?" Miles knelt back down, offering a small smirk at his baby sister. Realizing that she wasn't going anywhere unless he offered a helping hand.

In response—Another weak nod.

"If you say so, munchkin." Miles' smile grew as he lifted Maisy up, who practically curled against him. Her head was instantly rested on his shoulder and her eyes fluttered shut. They were too heavy.

"Tired?" He soothingly ran his hand up and down Maisy's back as he walked to the stairs, not helping her stay alert.

Maisy's eyes remained closed, but she nodded her head. Her eyes were too heavy to keep open, it was simply too much.

So this time when Miles patted her back, it was in hopes of not letting her fall fully asleep. He wanted her to at least be aware of her surroundings for a minute longer, until he put her to bed.

He paused in the hallway, glancing at the bedroom doors. Maisy's room would be good, but . . . Well, fuck it.

Miles opened his bedroom door and began to move the covers around for her. "I'm gonna put you in my bed, alright?"

He couldn't wipe the smile off his face. Sure, the kid has a cold. But she's too damn adorable not to brighten the mood.

Maisy's eyes hardly opened as she muttered out an 'okay.' Miles lowered her down, carefully covering her with the covers so she would be warm enough.

He barely even began to move away from her before Maisy let out a whimper and stirred, opening her eyes. Wondering why the comforting warmth was slipping away.

The whimper was enough to cause a little bit of alarm surge through Miles' veins. After all, it isn't the happiest sound out there.

Little Miss Maisy; Deleted ScenesWhere stories live. Discover now