A Visitor

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Bucky's POV

I opened the door to see Sam standing there. He had a dark shirt, jeans, and a brown jacket on. As soon as Sam and I began to have a conversation, I heard Steve crawling from the living room. I looked behind me to see an excited Steve crawling towards Sam. He tackled one of Sam's legs and Sam began to chuckle.

"I missed you too, buddy." He said as he picked up Steve. I laughed a bit and continued our conversation.

"So, where's the other one? I'd like to meet him." Sam asked. That reminded me that Steve wasn't the only little in the house.

"Hey Loki, can you come over here please?" I called for him. He peeked out from the couch and slowly walked to the door.

"This is Loki." I introduced him.

"It's a pleasure to meet you Loki, I'm Sam." Sam said.

"Hmm." Loki spoke to himself as he examined Sam. "Yes, pleasure." He responded. Loki sat back down on the couch.

"So, he's the little one?" Sam asked while bouncing Steve.

"Yep, yesterday he was about 11 or 13 months old, but he feels big today." I answered. He nodded. "Also, if he slips while I'm gone, his favorite toy is the keys in his crib. If you need anything don't hesitate to call me." He nodded. I reached up on the coat rack near the door and grabbed my jacket.

"I'll be back in about 5 hours. Bye Loki, Bye Steve."

"Bye Papa!" Steve exclaimed. Loki just waved at me and went back to looking around the room. 

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