Strange People

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 I woke up to the feeling of somebody poking my feet, I pulled my foot away from the annoying tapping. I then began to feel the poking again, I whined a bit, threatening to cry. I kept getting poked so I kept to my promise and began to cry.

     Someone came over to me and picked me up, and began to shoosh and coo at me. I decided to open my eyes and look at whoever this was trying to comfort me. I hadn't realized it wasn't my brother until I saw him.

      It was a tall man, he had long, dark brown hair and bright blue eyes. He wore a long-sleeved grey shirt. He cooed at me more when I looked at him, praising how beautiful my eyes were. I didn't know him so I did what all reasonable people do in these kinds of situations, cried more. He began to shush and coo at me more, trying to cease my sobbing. 

     "Shushushuu baby." He said in a calm and quiet voice. This calmed me down a bit. "What's wrong, baby?" He asked, I babbled something and he nodded. I felt him rub my back in circular motions. I eventually fell silent as I thought about Thor. I missed him, of course, he was my caregiver. 

     "Bubby?" I asked, trying to say Brother. He chuckled,"I'm sorry, baby, Thor has to deal with some grownup stuff in Asgard." I sniffled, threatening to cry again. 

      He pulled me closer and shushed me while bouncing. It calmed me a bit but still anything could push me over the edge. I think he understood that because he assured me that everything was going to be okay. 

      "Is he otay?" I heard from behind me. 

       I turned my head to see a man, he had blonde hair and blue eyes. I immediately recognized him from New York. The man assured him I was fine. I felt him shifting me in his arms. 

      He shifted me around as he spoke,"He is, he's just a little sleepy." I looked and saw that his left arm was metal. 

     So this was the man Thor called Bucky? 

      I felt him sit down and rest me on his hip.

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