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Loki's POV 

   After I had had a bottle for lunch, I began to feel more pressure build up in my bladder. Eventually, I just let it be and went into my diaper like I had done many times before. I immediately regretted this and began to squirm and whine. I always hated the feeling of wet diapers. Bucky then checked me and laid me down on a changing table. I was very opposed to this and began to squirm more. He soon removed my sweatpants and wasn't going to stop from removing layers. I began to squirm even more intensely. I didn't want to be exposed by this man I don't even know that well. 

    Eventually it seems he gave up and left the room. I was relieved but I still felt gross because of the wet diaper. Flipped myself onto my front and began to hum to myself. I got bored of that quickly and tried to climb down from the changing table.

   Soon, Bucky came back but with a toy in his hands. I couldn't see it clearly but I knew it was a toy of sorts. I looked at him and made grabby-hands for it but he didn't give it to me. I threatened to cry at him but he just flipped me over. I saw what was happening and began to squirm again. But as I began to squirm an object floated above me. It was a pretty set of keys. They were mixed of different colors on a single ring. I immediately began to reach for it trying to get it. I felt the snaps to the vest I was wearing being undone and pulled up over my belly but I didn't care right now, I had to get those pretty keys. Soon I felt him changing me but I still wanted the pretty keys. I liked the jingling sound they made. When he finished changing me, he finally gave me the keys. I barely seemed to notice when he snapped the crotch of the vest back over my diaper and lifted me into his arms.

     I soon felt him lowering me into my crib and turning out the lights. I didn't really mind the darkness of the room since I had my stuffies with me. I eventually fell asleep in the crib snuggling with Barnaby the Horse. 

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