What To Do

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Bucky's POV 

    When Steve and I were in the bathroom, he told me what had happened earlier. I was shocked, frankly. I didn't know what to do with Loki. He was very young when it came to headspace, way younger compared to Steve. Maybe it was the age difference that made him act like that? Maybe it was because Steve was one of the people who stopped Loki from destroying New York? Maybe it was just because Loki was as mischievous as it gets. Maybe all three. Whatever it was, it didn't really matter because I didn't really know how I would punish him. 

   Maybe I could just not give him dessert? No, that's too little. Besides, I already promised that if he ate dinner he could have dessert. No TV? I don't even think he knows what TV is. Time out? I don't know. 

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