Pancakes in Bigspace

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The Next Morning
Loki's POV
I woke up to the sound of the door opening. Light was shining in from the outside. I looked to see that Bucky was in the room and standing over Steve's bed. I yawned and groggily rubbed my eyes as he walked over to my crib. I pulled myself up from the mattress using the rails and looked at him.
"Goodmorning, sunshine." Bucky said to me in his Caregiver Voice.
"I'm big, Bucky." I stated nonchalantly.
"Oh." Bucky's voice went to his normal voice and he looked kind of awkward.
" So, you want out?" He asked.
"Please do." I said and he pulled down the bars. When I stepped out of the crib Bucky began to speak again.
"You need a change, right?" Bucky asked and I felt myself turn a bit red. When he said that, it then made me realize that I was, in fact, wet. I debated if I should tell him or not before deciding to tell him (After I last tried to change myself I learned that I couldn't efficiently change myself.)
"Yes." I stated. Bucky looked surprised.
"Alright, you want to change yourself or-"
"No." He looked even more surprised. I moved over to the changing table and sat down on it. He still looked very taken aback but did eventually begin to change me.
I know it probably was just five minutes but it felt like an eternity for me. I have always hated changes, especially in my bigspace.
He finished and let me change my clothes by myself. I decided to go with a pair of murky green pants and a long-sleeved shirt with light green snakes on the front. I decided to go change in the bathroom.
After I was finished I went to the living room and sat down on the couch. Soon, Bucky came out with a whining Steve on his hip. Steve was wearing a blue long-sleeved shirt, long black sweatpants, and blue socks with white polka dots on them. He also had what looked to be a blue pacifier in his mouth. I was confused, of course. Yesterday he didn't have a pacifier any time I saw him.
Bucky sat Steve down on the floor.
"What's wrong with the Captain?" I asked about his state.
"He's really little right now, about like 13 months or so. Could you watch him while I make breakfast?" He asked me. I nodded and began to watch him hum to himself and play with his toys.
Soon, a sweet aroma filled the air. I almost melted at the scent but had to maintain my big headspace. I peeked over the couch and saw Bucky coming from the kitchen. He swiftly picked up Steve and moved back to the kitchen. I followed them to the kitchen and sat down at the table. I watched as Bucky gingerly placed Steve into his highchair and began to place food onto plates.
I glanced over at Steve and saw him playing with his fingers. I looked away as it began to make my bigspace fail me.
My thoughts were interrupted by a plate being dropped in front of my face. I jumped and quickly whipped around to see Bucky behind me. I calmed down and watched him put a bib on Steve and cut up his food. I looked back down at my plate and saw there were three big pancakes stacked on top of eachother and a banana had been placed on the side. The smell of the pancakes was intoxicating. It triggered my littlespace thoughts and impulses to stick my hands straight in it. I contained myself and looked around for syrup. Once I found the syrup on the table, I drizzled a bit on top and began to cut the pancakes into bite-sized pieces.
I silently ate while watching Bucky drizzling some syrup on top of Steve's cut up pancakes. Steve immediately dug into his food. Bucky chuckled and went to his own breakfast.
The breakfast was silent until Bucky began to speak.
"I have to go out to the store later. So I was going to have Sam watch you and Steve." He brought up nonchalantly.
I looked at him, confused. I felt slightly embarrassed and offended that he was having someone come and watch us even though I was in bigspace. I also was confused and curious about who this Sam was.
"I don't need a caretaker right now." I stated as calmly as possible.
"Yes, but Steve does. And I doubt you want to look after him. And also what if you were to slip and no caretaker was home? Think about it, two littles with young headspaces alone. The only thing I can think of that isn't fatal is if one of you got a diaper rash." He explained to me.
I huffed and looked back at Steve.
He had syrup and crumbs all over his face and hands. Frankly, if it weren't for that bib his shirt would probably be ruined. He was humming and babbling to himself, occasionally saying something comprehensible such as "nana" or "pa'cake".
I looked back at Bucky and nodded in agreement. He chuckled.

Soon we had all finished our breakfast. I helped take our plates to the sink while Bucky worked on cleaning Steve. He wiped his face with a cloth and wiped down his tray. Bucky pulled him out of the highchair and made his way to the living room. He set Steve on the floor and sat down on the couch. I followed and sat down on the couch as well. I watched silently as Steve played with his toy animals and cars until we heard a knock at the door.

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