The Beginning

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Loki's POV: 

Yes, I'm a little. I'm not exactly proud of it but I am one. You're probably wondering 'If I'm a little, who's my caregiver?' It's Thor. After I was classified as a little, Thor took the liberty of being my caregiver- which I didn't object to. Anyway, Thor has to tend to politics in Asgard. He told me the night before we left that I was going to stay at a midgardian friend's place for the time until he comes back.
The next day, I woke up in littlespace, around 7-8 months. I awoke to feel Thor picking me up and checking me. I whimpered and cuddled into his chest.
He chuckled, "Wake, Little One. Unless you want to keep wearing that wet diaper." I then realized the wetness between my legs.
I whimpered and let go of his shirt. He stuck my dark green pacifier near my mouth and I quickly latched on. After he had changed me, he removed my light green onesie. While Thor went to pick out my outfit for the day, I lay alone on the changing table.
I got bored of waiting and tried to flip over onto my front. Once I had successfully flipped over, Thor flipped me back over, He had a light green long-sleeved snap-crotch vest, grey sweatpants, and a puffy dark green coat.
Once he finished clothing me, he brought me to the kitchen to eat. He set me down in the highchair and went to make a bottle for me. I sat in the chair and whined to myself as I tried to unbuckle myself from the chair.
Once the bottle was finished, he took my pacifier out and replaced it with the bottle which I grumpily allowed. I must have looked at him wrong because as soon as I began to suckle, he told me," Do not be grumpy, Little One. It will only be a little bit before we leave for Bucky, Son of Barnes." Of course, I wasn't having it and turned away from him, angrily suckling all the while.
I began to daydream a bit and eventually dozed off.

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