Nico Di Angelo Meets the Kanes

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"I can't believe this," Nico muttered harshly under his breath. He raised his chin lightly leveling his stare with that of his father's. "You want me to infiltrate enemy's territory?"

Hades sighed resting his head on his hand. His legs crossed on the skull throne he sat on. "Look, I don't like this any more than you do but the Egyptians have been all over the place. I mean, their magicians had to stop one of their gods from taking over the world last year. And they're two top new magicians are the children from the host of the Egyptian God of The Underworld, Osiris. Look Nico it's a simple task, just pretend you're a magician and have heard about them that's all. Plus aren't you friends with Anubis?"

"I mean yeah I guess, but I haven't seen him in a while," Nico replied with confusion. The fact is that Nico hasn't seen Anubis for months which was weird now that he thought about it.

"Well think of this as a way to reunite with each other," Hades shrugged. "Well with that said, hope you have a good time in Brooklyn." He raised his hand in the same way Nico had seen him do various times.

"I have things to do. I have to tell Will first of all. And organize my suitcase and finish the chapter of Pride and Prejudice that I was reading before you so rudely interrupting me summoning me out of nowhere. You can't just teleport me to another city without my permission."

His father chuckled darkly. "Yes, I can."

Within a second later his feet landed on a solid pavement in front of what seemed to be an abandoned warehouse but Nico knew better. He could feel its magic vibrating on the top of his fingertips and the tingling sensation it cause his insides. With hesitation, he knocked on the door. Almost immediately a young blond boy opened the door, a baby penguin in his arms.

"Hi! I'm Felix," he greeted with a beaming smile. Holding his two arms in front of him he showed off the small penguin. "And this is Frosty!"

"Uh, great, could I come in?"

"Oh, I'm not supposed to let strangers in."

"Well, I'm Nico Di Angelo, and you are Felix. See? We know each other's names. We aren't strangers anymore." Nico attempted to smile reassuringly but it probably looked more like a grimace to the child. Apparently, Felix deemed him friendly enough to enter one of the most powerful Egyptian Nomes on Earth because he moved aside and urged him to come in. Well, that went by smoothly.

"Soooo," the child continued talking dragging on his words. "Here's the living room. There's a TV, a PacMan video game thing, a table to do... uh... stuff, and the kitchen. You can help yourself to anything."

Well for now the eight-year-old (Nico thinks he is) was a wonderful host. To be honest, Nico had been training before he went to meet his father and he was quite thirsty. Surely their water wasn't enchanted or something. He guided himself to the fridge giving his back to Felix. Before he could even reach a cup to fill water in he heard a scream cheerful of "Anubis!"

His body was turned the other way and lips were pressed against his in less than a millisecond. He roughly pushed away from the offending human and swiped his lips with his sleeves. The girl in front of him looked angry until her eyes met his. Her eyes looked like they were going to come out of their sockets with how wide they were and her mouth was agape in clear shock. "Oh my gods!" she exclaimed. "Oh, my gods I'm so sorry. I thought you were my boyfriend. You two look so much alike and like the skin tone, the outfit, from behind you could pass off as twins. Gosh, I'm so sorry-"

"It's ok just refrain yourself from attacking someone before seeing their face," Nico said.

"Hey, I wasn't attacking you. You know many people would find themselves lucky if they were to kiss me Mr-" the blue-eyed girl stopped herself after getting a good look at the Italian. Taking her staff out she raised it slowly cautiously surveying him from top to bottom. "Wait, who are you? How did you get here?"

"Oh I let him in!" the little kid, Felix, was back now with two more penguins and licking a rainbow lollipop.

"You-" the girl refrained herself fisting the hand that wasn't holding her staff. "You let a stranger in?"

"Well, uh... he seemed nice," Felix shrugged now uncertain and backing away.

"And for the other part, I'm Nico Di Angelo," Nico replied calmly. "I cam here because I heard of your what happened last year. You know? Saving the world and everything? I was curious about your practice of magic here, so I came to try and learn."

"Oh," she breathed and extended her hand to shake. "I'm Sadie Kane, host of Isis. A pleasure to meet you."

He took her hand and kissed the back of it. A bit old-fashioned but he was technically old anyways. Her cheeks colored red before clearing her throat and giving Nico a small tour of the place.

"Great, and after all that, we're back to the living room," Sadie stated.

"Honey, I'm home!" A distant voice shouted.

Sadie chuckled before shouting back. "I'm in the living room, Walt!"

Nearing into view came a dark-skinned guy about their age appeared. He was about 3 inches taller than Nico and well-built. His eyes widened as he saw Nico. "Oh my gods, Nico is that you?!" He raced towards me and engulfed me in a hug.

"Uh sorry," Nico mumbled awkwardly. "Do I know you?"

"Oh yeah, forgot to tell you, buddy. I'm sharing a person's body now."

"Uh, what's going on?" Sadie asked frowning.

"Yeah what's going on what do you mean you're sharing a body, you're a god," Nico said confused.

"Oh, it's a long story. It all began when-"

"Wait!" Nico exclaimed. "Before you go on I just wanted to get it out of the way that your girlfriend kissed me."

"Oh, uh fair I guess." Anubis shrugged.

"Wait aren't you jealous?" Sadie asked.

"Oh not at all Nico's gay, plus Nico and I kissed before too so we're fair," Anubis replied calmly.

"Wait, you kissed Nico?!" Sadie exclaimed in astonishment.

"Hey, I just wanted to clarify that it was for a strange underworldly ritual," Nico raised both his arms in surrender.

"Uh, yeah what was that," Walt asked. His original human host seemed to come back to its body.

Well, this was going to be a complicated mission.


AN: Hey guys! So this is the first one-shot I decided to make it about the Kane Chronicles. If you have any  other suggestions comment them or write me. Hope you liked it! I love you guys!

PS: Sorry that it took so much for me to start another project I was in a kinda dark place. 

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⏰ Last updated: Nov 09, 2021 ⏰

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