Chapter Seven: The Chosen Ones

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Day 2 -·- 5:30AM (Dawn)

Location: Isle of Eye

Mission: Operation Lost Panacea

A warm feeling rushed to my cheeks in the heat. Lucia, had something for me too.

Something. For. Me. Too. Whoa.

I tried suppressing the uncontrollable feeling only to end up being redder than beet. When she noticed my face in the white light, she blushed a little pink.

I swear, she cannot blame me, she knows. Making a complete fool of myself in romantic matters like this is something inevitable.

"Hmm-hmm," SJ Gallagher cleared his throat and adjusted his spectacles. "So, who is going to clear the bush where we're going to rest."

Giving him my katana, I told him to clear it himself otherwise sleep in the trees. His look was spiteful when he snatched the sword from my hand and busied himself with clearing the area.

"Oops, we left our backpacks behind in the old clearing," said Lucia.

"Let's go and get them then," I offered her a hand which she took, using it to heave herself upward.

"Wait, it's still dark out here and the Moon Phantoms might still be roaming around," cried the Prof. "You'll have to give up the torch before going anywhere."

Here we go again.

"Have you seen any Lunar Ghoul or whatnot around here?" I arched an eyebrow.

"I wasn't talking to you, mister."

"I'm no mister, Mister!" I said. "If you don't know who you're dealing with, especially when a dan samurai like me is standing in front of you, don't mister him."

"Alright, Sensei Senpai Alex," the Prof gave a mocking bow, puffing sarcasm from his chimney of a mouth. "Can you not interfere in a matter between two diplomats? Your place is in the daimyo's manor house, not in the jungle, I believe."

"Ohh, now you're the Mahatma Gandhi against the British situation at hand, right? The Pacifying Diplomat. Ok, here. Take it. Take the iPhone and pay with a tooth," I taunted, ready to knock the wind out of him with my balled fist.

A soft hand grazed my knuckles and held my shuddering fist in place.

Lucia, why?

"Don't fight, let's do this the matured way," said Lucia.

Comical how the lady who just cried her eyes out over a guy she had only a one-night stand with is telling me to act matured.

Don't look at me that way, I'm only stating what was between them. Lucia was interested in him but Finn was only a pleasure seeker.

Enough of the relationship talks, remember I don't fancy humourless gossips.

"Ok, the matured way," or whatever she meant, I agreed.

"Ideally, we should all do this together, Prof. Let all go back to the previous clearing, get our belongings and continue our journey to-" Lucia suddenly stopped, clueless on how to complete it.

Frankly, to anyone else, our adventure would sound foolish and appear awkward. To be really honest, it is even getting more foolish and daunting every second at the same time.

The thought of giant, sprawling ant attacking us next was shuddering alone, not to think about how we were going to leave this island when what was left of the fuel was only a gallon.

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