Chapter Three: Flares Versus Fear

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Day 2 -·- 12:00AM (Midnight)

Location: Isle of Eye

Mission: Operation Lost Panacea

A chilly, gale force of wind made the hairs on my neck stand erect. Goosebumps.

What was that? The air was supposed to be hot, wasn't it? I mean we were still in the jungle. The thick vegetation was undoubtedly not going to allow the sea breeze penetrate here. Deep in the middle of a jungle? No, it's absolutely incredible.

I dared look around and saw the reflection of my own fear in the eyes of Finn. Lucia was hugging her knees tightly like a depressed teen having suicidal thoughts. Tracy was wearing the mask of fear at its purest form. It was hot but I can assure you, I could hear her teeth clatter.

"Torches everyone." SJ Gallagher chivvied us."Everything will be under control if you use your torches wisely! The things avoid any form of light other than that of the moon."

"Things? Like they're many?"

"Dunno, might've reproduced over the years. According to the writings gathered by the pioneer archaeologists — "

Not now Prof. A crazed shadowy, indestructible monster or more are about to devour us and all you could think of are archaeologists and ancient-goddamn-writings at the moment? If I was given a choice, I'd rather think like Tracy expecting a hero to fall from heaven or anything worthwhile apart from archaeologists who were scared to their pants as I am right now.

Being a choiceless dead meat, I followed his idea and rummaged through my backpack. While fishing through it, my hand grabbed a flare. With a small click, I ignited the once dull stick and it emitted a very bright red immediately.

A bright green suddenly flashed in the corner of my eyes. Great, Lucia. Smart and obedient. Did I ever tell you I have a thing for her? This is my logbook secret, not yours!

Another powerful gust of wind blew. The Lunar Ghoul or whatever the Prof had called it was now circling us as though searching for a loophole in our hasty, rowdy formation.

Like a mess of iguanas, we huddled close together, the campfire shielding our backs. Finn was at the extreme left, with Lucia beside him, followed by Tracy, then me and Prof at the extreme right. The formation proved effective as the two of us with flares were sandwiched between those without flares.

A plan was devised. Two flares at a time. Before they die away, two more will be ignited. That way we could ration our only source of survival for the night. I peered into my backpack and discovered there were four more flares. Lucia said she's got four in hers also. The rest were flareless.

Our weapons instantly became our shield. We could not attack. But we can defend. The monsters kept circling. There were two of them and for the first time I caught a glimpse of the Moon Phantom. Its eyes were red as hot coals and its huge body was pitch-black, darker than the night itself. The Moon Phantoms kept circling in the trees around a bunch of silly adventurers.

Is this how we are going to stay all night, circled by some lurking monsters? I stole a glance into my watch and the time says 12:45am. A flare could only last an hour, give or take. That means, we will survive up to 4:45am and the full moon will still be visible. So will the Moon Phantoms.


I gulped lungfuls of air and concluded with myself that we were all dead meats. All of us.

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