"I'm so sorry Mr Stark."

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Tony walked into the kitchen, muffling a yawn as he got his favourite mug (Worlds 2nd Best Father) out of the cupboard and filled it with one of his favourite beverages: coffee.

"i'm nothing without my coffee." Tony sighed, relishing in the amazing taste of coffee that woke him up.

"Well then maybe you shouldn't have it." Peter retorted immediately, not even thinking about what he said.

Peter and Tony stared at each other in shock.

"I'm so sorry Mr Stark." Peter rushed out to say as he saw tears forming in Tony's eyes.

"Peter, I'm so proud of you." Tony said, patting Peter on the shoulder and sniffling.

Peter was still confused as Tony left the kitchen.

my throat is fucking killing me

ALSO years before i got the nickname 'penguin' i used to have this keyring that was a penguin and i loved it. i took it everywhere with me and i gave it baths to clean him (actually pretty well if i do say so myself). i'm trying to find him but i can't :(

ALSO ALSO there's a covid outbreak in my school in my fucking year as well


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