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i've been going through my camera roll so here ya go!!

Peter and Ned were excited. Ned was finally coming over to the Tower to meet the Avengers.

"Are they scary Peter? What if they don't like me?"
Ned asked in the lift going up to the living area.

"It's ok. They're really not that scary when you get to know them."
Peter said.

The lift stopped and they exited it. They heard crashing and random shouts.

"Dude, is that guns AND knives?"
Peter heard his boyfriend Harley said.

"That really doesn't mean anything."
Peter said nervously.

They heard screams of someone speaking in a foreign language, most likely Russian.

"They're um-"
Peter was cut off.

Sam had shouted, cutting Peter off.

Bucky shouted.

Natasha yelled.

"Everyone calm down before I get Pepper!"
Tony threatened.

"You know what, you should meet them another time."
Peter said, ushering Ned back into the lift.

"Ok. Bye Peter, see you at school."
Ned said as the lift door closed.

Peter sighed and mentally prepared himself before entering the living area.

When he entered, he had to stop himself from face palming.

Natasha was in between Sam and Bucky fighting, Harley was sat on the sofa, watching the scene play out before him as if it was a sitcom. (get it??)

Wanda was holding the PBJ with her magic, Tony was holding his phone out threateningly and the others were ignoring them all.

"What the FUCK happened here?"
Peter asked.

Everyone's heads shot up to look at Peter.

"Bucky stole my PBJ!"
"Sam took my PBJ!"
Sam and Bucky cried out at the same time.

"Actually, I made it for Wanda because she earned it. Those two dumbasses thought it was theirs and tried to steal it. And here we are."
Natasha glared at the two other Avengers.

"Did you guys forget that I was bringing Ned over?"
Peter asked, dropping his school bag.

"Oh shit. Is he still here?"
Tony asked. (tony autocorrected to stony mshakatjjsksbfa)

"No. I told him to leave because I didn't know what the fuck was happening."
Peter said.

Sam and Bucky said.

"It's fine. You just have to be on cleaning duty for a week."
Peter said before leaving the room.

Harley laughed and followed Peter out.

i'm so tired lol

i've literally changed like all of my stuff to be Yuri Plisetsky because fuck i love him and yeah,, he's the best


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