How To Drive-by the Avengers

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the car is gonna be right hand drive (like british cars) cause i've got no idea if left hand and right hand drive cars work the same (like the ABC, if it's in the same place) and i cannot be bothered researching it

"Do you know how to drive?"
Steve asked, sitting in the passenger seat. (the left hand seat btw)

Peter said, gripping the wheel tightly, his knuckles turning white.

"Ok, so the first thing you're gonna do is loosen your grip on the wheel. You don't need to hold it so tightly."
Steve said and Peter loosened his grip.

"Now place your hands at ten and two."
Sam explained, showing it with his own hands.

"Like this?"
Peter asked.

Sam moved Peters right hand slightly.

"Now it is."
Sam said.

"Now, there's three pedals. A for acceleration, B for brake and C for clutch. Do you know what they do?"
Sam asked.

"Brake is stop. That's all I know."
Peter said. Sam sighed deeply.

"Acceleration is go. Press that and you move the car. And clutch is what you press to put the car into gear. Now, repeat it back."
Sam said.

"A is acceleration which moves the car, B is brake which stops the car and C is clutch which you press and the car goes into gear."
Peter said.

"No, you press the clutch and move the gears."
Sam corrected.

"Oh. Should I be writing this down?"
Peter asked.

Sam said.

Peter said and pulled a pen out and wrote the notes on his leg.

"Ok then... I think we're done for today."
Sam said and got out of the car, slamming the door shut.

Peter said.


"Do you know how to drive?"
Thor asked, stuffed into the passenger seat.

"Nope. Mr Sam left the car before he taught me."
Peter said.

"I do not know how to operate this machine. You need to ask a Midgardian."
Thor said.

Peter said.

"Sorry young Peter. I shall summon Bruce!"
Thor said before opening the car door and leaving, the car bouncing from the shift of weight.

Peter said.


"Do you know how to drive Dr Banner?"
Peter asked as Bruce opened the car door and leaned in.

"No, sorry Peter."
Bruce said.

"Ok, that's fine!"
Peter said.

"I'll go get Tony or Happy."
Bruce said.

"Wait! Mr Stark and Mr Happy are out of the city this week."
Peter said.

"Oh, I'll go get Steve then."
Bruce said.

Peter said and waited patiently in the car.


"So, you need someone to teach you how to drive."
Steve said.

"Yep! Mr Sam left me, Mr Thor doesn't know how to drive and neither does Dr Banner and Mr Happy and Mr Stark aren't in the city. I also asked Mr Loki but he's in London with Mr Theo."
Peter explained. (i will put Loki/Theo wherever i fucking can)

"I can drive."
Steve said.

"Can you drive modern cars though?"
Peter asked. 

"Of course I can."
Steve said.

"Do you know ABC?"
Peter asked.

"Yeah, I learnt it that way."
Steve said.

"I don't trust you Mr Steve."
Peter said.

"Is there anyone else who can teach me?"
Peter asked.

"No, Bucky never bothered to learn how to drive, Natasha and Clint are on a mission and Scott isn't here. You're stuck with me unless you want to apologise to Sam about whatever you did."
Steve said.

"All I did was write what he said on my leg!"
Peter said, pointing at the notes that were slightly smudged.

Steve sighed.

"How about you just wait til Tony and Happy come back."
Steve said.

"Good idea Mr Steve."
Peter said and unbuckled the seatbelt.

yo it's been 11 days since i last updated... anything new happening with you guys?


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