Chapter 32 "Only you"

Start from the beginning

That last bit hurt him for sure. He looked up at me with more tears on his eyes as he stood up.

"You don't mean those things, Vicky..." He said quietly.

Of course I don't, but I'm not going to tell you. I still have feelings for you, arsehole.

"I do, Paul"

"Vicky..." He sobbed. "I'm so, so sorry. Even though I don't know what happened for certain. I am truly sorry" He grabbed my hand. I looked into his eyes, and for a moment, I almost surrendered to his touch.

"Nooo!" I pushed him one more time, and turned around as I began crying again. Suddenly I am not so strong anymore. Paul is my weakness.

"No, Vicky, please, don't do this to me" He held me from behind. He cried on my shoulder. "I just can't imagine my life without you. Without you and our baby"

"And I just can't get you two together out of my head. I can't, I can't!" I said with my voice cracking; I was losing it.

"I love you, Vicky. I love you! I love you!" He said before he turned me around to face him, and planted sloppy kisses on my neck and jaw.

"Oh god..." I looked down. My crying got more intense. "Well I don't! Leave me alone please"


"It's over" I managed to put myself together just to make that clear. "This is the last time you'll see me crying, Paul. There is no us no more, and you don't have a baby..." I said before I wipe off the last tear from my eye.


"You've heard me. I am leaving now. Don't even bother looking for us" I said before I proceeded to walk out of the room, and his life. Forever...

That's probably the hardest thing I've done in my life: walking away from someone I love.

Paul's POV.

Idiot! You fucking idiot, Paul. I should have never left Vicky alone that night. I wouldn't be here alone. I miss her so much. From what I remember, I didn't do a thing with Sophie. Hell no! Why would I? I am not like John. I don't do stupid things when I'm drunk. I don't even drink that much since I started seeing Vicky. It took me just a few hours to remember that I didn't have sex with Sophie. I was drunk, yes, but I must have drunken something else that made me get wasted very easily. I wanted to get back home in less than an hour when we were at that pub. I am perfectly sure of that. Then some guys offered us some "new drinks" for free. I had one, and that is all I remember. I remember we all had one actually. Those guys probably mixed some drugs in them. Who cares now? It's done. Vicky dumped me. I wish Sophie could explain to her what happened, but from what I saw, and what I see now, she probably doesn't remember a thing. But even if she does, it doesn't matter what any of us say or do, Vicky won't listen to me...

"Paul! Are you there, mate? Everything alright?" I heard John shouting from outside.

At this point I can't hide something's wrong. I haven't showed up two days for the movie rehearsals, haven't answered any phone calls, and haven't even showered or shaved in two days for fuck's sake! All I do is drink still shirtless on the floor. Hating myself as much as she hates me now.

"Go away! ...I'm a mess" I said the last phrase for myself.

"What happened? Brian is very mad, mate. Would you open up, please?"

I groaned as I got up to open the door. Let's get this over with. I feel like I want to quit that movie thing. I am definitely not in the mood.

"What is it?" I asked as I revealed my mess-self.

"Yikes! What is that smell? Mate, you stink of cheap old alcohol. You do look like a mess. What happened? Where is Vicky?" He asked looking around the messy house.

"She left. She dumped me. I thought you knew already"

"What?! How should I know? I haven't seen her since that night we went out. What the hell happened?"

"Do you know what happened that night? After we left the pub? Sophie was here in the morning. Do you have an idea why?"

"Err, I have no idea, pal. You know we drank too much. Actually I haven't seen her either. We should ask her. But what does that have to do with Vicky leaving?"

"Well she woke up with no clothes on laying on my chest. Vicky saw everything. But John, I didn't have sex with Sophie. I swear. I just don't remember exactly why she was here, and why I was naked too..."

"You were naked too?! Man, you fucked my girl, why are you lying to yourself" He frowned.

"I didn't!"

"Then how do you explain you were both naked?"

"I don't know! But I will find out. That is not important now anyway. Nothing is going to bring her back... she was very hurt... she made very clear she wanted me out of her life. She will let me out of my baby's life too." I said before I grabbed my almost empty bottle of whisky, and finally emptied it in my mouth as I spread myself on the floor again.

"Oh Paul" He knelt down as he patted my shoulder. "I am very sorry. Is there anything I can do to help?"

"I want her..."

"Listen, I will talk to her myself" He said before he took the whisky bottle from my hand, and threw it away. "Maybe if I investigate what really happened, she will understand. I will ask Sophie, George, Ringo, or anybody, but I will help you, alright? I promise".

John was a good friend; this was the proof.

"Thanks, John" I said quietly.

"You are more than welcome, but let's get you in the shower now, okay?"

"Alright..." I burped.

The alcohol was doing its effect.

"Just one more thing, mate" He said as he helped me stand up.

"Yeah sure"

"Be honest with me. I ain't going to get mad, nor will I tell anyone about it. You sure you didn't shag Sophie?"

I wouldn't even need to think about it; it's a no.

"I am a hundred percent sure"

"Okay" He nodded.

"I don't need to. It doesn't matter how drunk I am. How mad I am, or even if she dumps me. It's her only..."

It's no lie. I don't want no other one but her. Victoria. 

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