Trauma Trio's therapy + Denki

Start from the beginning

Problem Solver: I'm a counsellor- I say what I want. Got a problem?

Floof: nosir

Todoroki Shoto: damn, he's scarier than my mother

Better #1: Shoto no

Todoroki Shoto: Shoto yes

Problem Solver: Todoroki, you really need to stop with the trauma jokes

Todoroki Shoto: my mother didn't stop when pouring boiling water on me so no, I won't

Floof: stop it or I'm getting the kettle

Todoroki Shoto: you wouldn't

Mysterious: he wouldn't, but I would

Denki Kaminari: well, this looks like a healthy relationship

Problem Solver: Yall get your asses to my office, we should get this over with

Todoroki Shoto: wow, what a great therapist

Problem Solver: counsellor*

Todoroki Shoto: sheesh. Okay we're on the way

When they arrived, and after they got comfortable

(Izuku is in between Shoto and Hitoshi, with Denki next to Hitoshi)

"Okay, who wants to start this time?"

Izuku raised their hand

"Me. I would like to talk about my unhealthy obsession with men who are older than me."

Hitoshi chocked back a laugh.

"You make it sound like you're into 70 year olds"

"Shut up Toshi, I'm talking."

Hound dog looked so done with this shit, but alas he pushed through.


"Right- so can we talk about Hawks?"

Shoto jumped into the conversation.

"Yes we can. Absolutely. Of course."

And then Hitoshi jumped in.

"Honestly, he could stab me with his feathers and I'd die happily"

Denki struggled to hold back a laugh and hound dog slammed his head on the desk before speaking.

"Alright. I don't think this is a problem- I think this is more just you three being simps."

Hound dog looked at Denki with an 'I told you so' look, but Denki just smirk and adjusted his position slightly before coughing to catch their attention.

"Okay- Hawks is fucking attractive. But have you three seen Miruko?"

"Yeah- but Hawks is way hotter"

And the rest of that session was spent simping, and arguing.

Normally Hound Dog would have interrupted that and guided them to a better conversation topic, but Denki looked so happy he didn't have to heart to.

UA Staff Chat

Dadzawa: @Mysterious @Floof @Todoroki Shoto @Denki Kaminari how did it go

Denki Kaminari: I'm telling you- Midnight is hotter than Mt Lady

Mysterious: you're stupid. Midnight is sexy, but Mt Lady is hot

Floof: therefore, Midnight is hotter?

Todoroki Shoto: you're all wrong, Miruko is way better.

Better #1: Uh

Mysterious: ..shit

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