The Myth

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Irelia was the first to speak. She was nervous in a way but she remained calm on the outside.

"What happened to Dreidar?" Irelia asked wich made Akali perk her gaze to Irelia while Sensho sighed.

"Let's just say his body is barely able to contain his core. Truth be told that was not what he really is," Sensho replied while rubbing his left arm that he fed to Dreidar.

"Is it alright to ask what he is?" Irelia asked again.

Sensho was about to reply but a static entered his mind. I mean, its not rare for dragons to exist here. Remember Shyvana? Dreidar said inside his mind.

Sensho smiled when he heard him. Are you feeling better? Sensho asked with his eyes closed. Irelia and Akali wondered where that smile came from but none seemed to ask.

Much better, Dreidar replied. Sensho opened his eyes and looked at the two. Prepare everyone there, I think they need to see you to believe, Sensho said.

Huh?! Sensho heard from Dreidar before he cutted him off.

"Well, let's just ask him directly shall we," Sensho said and stood up. Akali was confused and also wanted to ask but she only saw Sensho made space between the front door and him.

He faced the front door and began to scribble something on the air. When finished it started to grow and crackle until it was enough to pass through. Sensho turned around to look at the two and gestured his arms to follow him before entering.

"It should be safe right?" Irelia asked Akali when Akali stood.

"Well, I'm driven by curiosity so I'm not sure," Akali replied and went to the portal.

Irelia sighed while she prepared her weapons and went in. Upon her arrival the portal closed behind her and Irelia saw Akali beside Sensho who was face-palming himself. She also noticed the sand and a large object infront of her but the shade was the one who took her attention. She looked up and noticed the silhouette of a large dragon's head who was facing her directly. Irelia could barely identify the creature until it moved its head to block the sun from Irelia. There she saw it clearly.

Two vertical green eyes was looking directly at her. The dragon had gigantic horns that was similar to a rock that stretched towards the sky while its mouth hid its sharp fangs. Dark green scales covered most of its face except its lower jaw that was much more yellowish and it traveled directly down to its stomache. Unlike Shyvana, this dragon was on four limbs while its wings sprouted from its shoulder blades. Speaking of wings, it's webbing was certainly thick that had the same yellowish color while the metacarpus (mid joint that stretches the wings) had a large pointy edge almost similar to a claw. His back however was different, it was almost similar to a forest seeing as trees sprouted from it. The dragon stood on the ocean to make space in the island, seeing as his size is enough to be called an island.

Irelia was scared especially when she saw it sneer that revealed its clean fangs. She slowly walked beside Akali when she felt like that was where the safest place is. The dragon nodded slowly to Sensho who also nodded back in reply.

"You should cover your ears," Sensho said as he made an invisible wall to reduce any noise. Irelia and Akali did what they were told when they saw the dragon look at the sky.

Just as Sensho finished the barrier the dragon opened its mouth and began to take a large amount of air enlarging his already large body. The dragon roared to its content and everyone inside Sensho's barrier could still hear it loud and clear. Akali tightened her grip to her ear to reduce it while Sensho just stared. They all felt the ground tremble until everything went quiet. Akali felt her ears ringing for a while but soon it disappeared, she stared at Irelia who was looking at the sky with open mouth. She also turned to see and was shocked when more dragons appeared, all the dragons were similar to what Dreidar summoned at the rift. But the numbers were astounding, it ranged from 400 to 500 yet there were more coming from its back.

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