Nervously combing my hair away from my eyes and clenching onto the strap of my bag I introduce myself, "H-Hello, I'm Luke, and I've been home-schooled all my life, so I'm sorry if I seem stupid sometimes.. But I really hope to get along with you".

We already decided on lying about being home schooled if anybody asks. I mean it's kinda true... After being saved they taught us a lot of stuff before sending us here.

"Good, Good now go take the seat infront of Jace" the teacher orders before looking at the class, "Jace raise your hand".

A boy with his top open exposing the tattoos on his chest and arm and big ears that made him stand out from the rest, raises his hand while staring at me.

A boy with his top open exposing the tattoos on his chest and arm and big ears that made him stand out from the rest, raises his hand while staring at me

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Moon Goddess give me your strength!

Swallowing the lump in my throat I step towards my desk and sit down while bowing and greeting the two behind me. Rustling through my bag while ignoring the stares that were burning holes in my head I get ready for the lesson as the teacher starts teaching.

Time passed by painfully slow as the bell finally rings and it was lunch time.

Progress I've made with befriending people? None.

Feeling gloomy I clean up my table a bit and stand up before realisation hit me.

I have no idea how to get to the cafeteria.

Damnit and I'm hungry.

During the fiasco of my internal sobbing a hand touches my shoulder making me flinch.

I whip around to come face to face with another man who had a light beard around his mouth, tattoos covering his chest and arms and looking like he was ready to beat me to a pulp right in that moment.

I whip around to come face to face with another man who had a light beard around his mouth, tattoos covering his chest and arms and looking like he was ready to beat me to a pulp right in that moment

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"You look handsome, like a bully, don't screw around" he states his hand still on my shoulder somehow.

"Y-Yes sir, please don't hurt me, I'll never trouble you" I ramble out blushing a bit at his comment.

"H-He didn't mean it in a bad way, don't worry we won't hurt you" the big ears, whatwashisname- Oh yeah, Jace jumps in-between us.

"O-oh okay.."

"I'm Jace and this is Vasco, we've been bestfriends since we were kids" Jace explains while making Vasco take his hand off of me.

"Oh nice to meet yo-" I try to state but was cut off by my stomach sending whale calls that could have echoed through the entire building.

Lowering my now very red face I became a stuttering mess, "I- uh- umm- S-Sorry I'm so sorry-".

Jace and Vasco exchange glances before looking and me and laughing a bit.

"C'mon we'll take you to he cafeteria, I got a feeling we'll get along well" Jace states slinging his arm over my shoulder and leading me to the cafeteria along with Vasco who had an expressionless face.

"You said you were home-schooled right? If you got any questions on how to do stuff here ask me" Jace reassures me with a smile as we reached the cafeteria.

"Why is your hair white?" Vasco asks while serving for me and him both as a help.

"I Don't really know.. I guess it's in my blood" I shrug it off.

"It looks nice" he replies giving me a side glance before continuing to serve me food.

"Th-thanks" I stutter out as my ears turn pink.

"Luke!" A voice calls out grabbing our attention.

"Lucy!" I chirp recognising the pink haired girl who was approaching.

"So how was your class?" She asks tilting her head to a side.

"Well then teacher was alright, but damn it was hard to catch on to what he was teaching"

"Hehe same here, but I made some neat friends and they said they'd help me out"

"Oh yeah, meet Vasco and Jace, I was actually scared because everyone looked so scary with their muscles and tattoos" I introduce the two while chuckling slowly, "-but these guys talked with me and treated me nicely".

"Awee so sweet, please take care of our lil' pup, and thank you for being his friend" Lucy thanks them while giving them her adorable smile with the big sparkly eyes.

That look has conquered many people before me and it will continue to conquer people across the globe.

"Y-you're welcome"

And for the first time since I met him, Vasco stuttered with a shocked expression on his face and I'm not sure if I was Imagining things but his cheeks were redder than usual.

"How do you know Luke?" Jace asks jumping in between Vasco and Lucy.

"Oh we're kinda like siblings"

"Really? Then do you have white hair too?" Vasco asks his eyes sparkling.

Damn I feel jelly. Why you no give sparkly eyes to me? hmph!

"No sorry my natural hair is Black, we're more like adopted siblings, we're actually considered as twins, since we were adopted together"

"O-oh" Vasco stutters as his speaker faded when he heard the word 'adopted'.

"Well take care of Luke, I'm counting on you sweet and kind, Jace and Vasco" Lucy winks at them before waving as she walks towards a group of people.

Glancing at the two of them from the corner of my eye, I held back a laugh.

They're blushing so hard, damn Lucy you're conquering boys left and right.

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