Chapter 72: How deep is my love ?

Start from the beginning

"So do you like him?"

"Who?" I asked confused

He is definitely misunderstanding something.

"He seems sincere to you , he is worried for you and he even saved your life , i can tell that he loves You alot , do you love him back? ."

"Oppa I-."

"If it is this way then tell me , i ll break off your engagement with yoongi and marry you to him instead."

"No- oppa its not what you think."

"Look , i am sorry , i know i was forceful, i forced you to engage to yoongi , but now I realise that i am wrong and so i want you to tell me who is in your heart honestly."

A familiar face popped in my mind at his words.

Whats wrong y/n? Have you started to feel for him too?

Do you really like him or is it just the same longing and wanting to be his friend again.

What is this?

Mind: accept it already
Me: what?
Mind: about whom i am thinking right now
Me: huh
Heart: jungkook ofcourse
Me: what? "Jungkook?"

"Jungkook ?" Oppa asked confused

Shit , i didn't realise that i said it out loud.

"Ah - no , i mean ."

"What ? You like Jungkook?"

"No! No its not that er I -."

"I cant let you marry him , HELL I WONT."

My heart sank at his words , not that i was going to marry him in first place but still.

"Oppa listen to me first! There is nothing like that , i dont like him and neither do i like Jungkook, Jungkook is my past and i have left him there , he is not my present and neither he is going to be there in future." Having said that , i ended the conversation and turned to the other side , Oppa seemed to get a hint as he didnt say anything further after that.

To be honest , my heart hurt after saying that.


Jungkook's POV

I paced briskly as worry for y/n increased over me.

"Jungkook you should rest." Yoongi Hyung interrupted me.

"No i cant-."

"Listen, HOSEOK is there for her , so now go and rest , you need to rest too, dont worry."

"But hyung i-."

"I know you worry for her the most , she is fine , don't worry." He gave me an assuring look and then started to make his way towards his room .

"Hyung wait." I stopped him

"What?" He turned and asked

"You are very well aware of my feelings arent you?" I asked as i approached him But he stayed silent

"Hyung tell me , you know right ? ." I was getting irritated , but he chose to stay quiet

"Come on hyung, say it ! You know I AM DESPERATELY IN LOVE WITH HER."

"JUNGKOOK?!" He almost shouted making me stop

"One day she is going to be your brother's wife , speak for her with respect." He pointed at me

"What? I thought you had no feelings for her."

"I dont , but i will try my best."

"Why? Why are you forcing yourself?" I asked him

"I have no other choice."

"NO CHOICE ? WHAT ABOUT YOUR YOUNGER BROTHER HUH? Dont you care about my feelings hyung?" I lowered down my tone at the last sentence.

"Its not like th-."

"Then what it is ? Is Jung hoseok's friendship more important to you than your brother's feelings?" I bombarded him with more questions

"WHAT THEN JUNGKOOK? WHAT COMES NEXT? IF I REFUSE TO MARRY HER THEN WHAT? WILL SHE MARRY YOU? does she feel the same for you?" He asked as his voice soften down.

"I know she does? I know she feels the same for me!" I was confident

"What about Jung Hoseok then? Will he agree? I dont think so ? Listen to me .." hyung placed his hands on my shoulders and continued "move on from her , i ll send you abroad, go start a new life over there."

I was at loss of words at his suggestion

"What? What did you say?" I shrugged off his hands from my shoulders

"Move on?! I CANT DO THAT? I WONT MARRY ANYONE ELSE EXCEPT HER! How easily are you saying all of this as if this is some kind of kids play."

"It is thats why-?!"

"HYUNG?!" I grabbed his shirt

I could tell that he was shocked at my sudden outburst

"DONT YOU DARE DOUBT MY FEELINGS FOR HER." I let go off his shirt and made my way out closing the door shut with a loud bang.

Here you go guys , hope you like the new chapter
Thankyou always for supporting me and waiting for my chapters

Thanks again
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